Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Skull
This page has been visited 7254 times since August 1, 2011.
[ SBMP ] [ Skull ] [ Face ]
[ Cavernous Sinus ] [ Orbit ]
[ Parotid Region, TMJ, Mandible ] [ Infratemporal Fossa ]
[ Pterygopalatine Fossa ]
Skull - Anterior View
supraorbital notch (foramen) - communication between orbit and face
glabella - between supercilliary ridges
supercilliary ridge - anterior boundary of potential space of scalp
superior orbital fissure - greater and lesser wings of sphenoid bone, communication
between middle cranial fossa and orbit
inferior orbital fissure - greater wing sphenoid and maxilla, communication
between pterygopalatine fossa, infratemporal fossa, and orbit
foramina for anterior and posterior ethmoidal nn. - communication between
orbit, ethmoid air cells, and lateral nasal cavity
foramina for zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial nerves - communication
between orbit and face
lacrimal fossa - location of lacrimal sac
tubercle for medial palprebral lig. - anterior to lacrimal fossa
infraorbital groove, canal, and foramen - communication between orbit and
perpendicular plate ethmoid bone - superior bony contribution to nasal
vomer - inferior bony contribution to nasal septum
superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae - lateral nasal wall (called
turbinates when covered with mucosa as in life)
superior alveolar process
Skull - Lateral View
pterion - opposite anterior branch middle meningeal a. (epidural hematoma),
suture site of four bones
external auditory meatus
temporal process - this plus zygoma constitutes the zygomatic arch, site
of origin for masseter
mastoid process - origin of sternocleidomastoid, common bony landmark
styloid process - three muscles having three different innervations take
origin here (the non-"inverted tripod" of the head)
coronal and lambdoid sutures - frontal to parietal to occipital
posterior aspect of maxilla
foramen for posterior superior alveolar n. - between infratemporal fossa
and maxillary sinus
lateral pterygoid plate
pterygomaxillary fissure - between pterygopalatine fossa and infratemporal
mandibular fossa - temporomandibular joint
articular tubercle - temporomandibular joint
Skull - Base View
incisive foramen - communication between nasal cavity and oral cavity nasopalatine
greater palatine foramen and canal - communication between pterygopalatine
fossa (PTF) and hard palate (oral cavity)
lesser palatine foramen and canal - communication between PTF and soft
palate (oral cavity)
hamulus of medial pterygoid plate - sphenoid bone, tenser veli palatini
lateral pterygoid plate - origin of lateral and medial pterygoid mm., medial
border infratemporal fossa
scaphoid fossa - base of pterygoid plates, origin of tenser veli palatini
lacerate foramen - filled by cartilage in life, emissary v., opening of
pterygoid canal, opening of carotid canal, posterior border cavernous sinus
pterygoid canal - communication between middle cranial fossa and pterygopalatine
fossa, vidian n., deep petrosal n., greater superficial petrosal n.
pharyngeal canal - communication between nasopharynx and pterygopalatine
fossa, pharyngeal n., (palatovaginal canal)
carotid canal - communication between base of skull and middle cranial
fossa, internal carotid a.
foramen ovale - communication between infratemporal fossa and middle cranial
foramen spinosum - communication between middle cranial fossa and infratemporal
fossa, middle meningeal a.
spine of sphenoid bone - adjacent to foramen spinosum, sphenomandibular
stylomastoid foramen - communication between posterior cranial fossa and
parotid region via facial canal
jugular foramen and fossa - communication between posterior cranial fossa
and base of skull, int. jugular v., inf. petrosal v, IX, X, XI
tympanic canaliculus - between base of skull and middle ear, recurrent
(tympanic br.) of IX
petrotympanic fissure - between middle ear and infratemporal fossa, chorda
pharyngeal tubercle - buccopharyngeal fascia
occipital condyle - atlantooccipital joint, flexion, extension
external occipital protuberance - common landmark, superior nuchal line
foramen magnum - not to be overlooked
condyle - site of insertion for inferior head lateral pterygoid muscle
neck - anterior to external auditory canal
coronoid process - insertion of temporalis muscle
mandibular notch - transmits masseteric artery and nerve to masseter muscle
ramus - lateral boarder of infratemporal fossa, retromandibular vein, maxillary
artery, parotid gland
angle - near level of lingula (medial surface)
body - most commonly broken bone in males, fracture puts inferior alveolar
nerve and artery at risk
inferior alveolar process - base of teeth
mandibular foramen - transmits inferior alveolar nerve and artery into
mandible, inferior to lingula
lingula - site of attachment of sphenomandibular ligament
digastric fossa - origin of anterior belly of digastric muscle
superior and inferior mental spine - origin of genioglossus and geniohyoid
sphenomandibular ligament - from spine of sphenoid to lingula, limits depression
of the mandible
mental foramen - transmits mental nerve and artery (continuation of inferior
alveolar nerve)
inferior alveolar nerve and artery - provides the inferior dental plexus
inferior dental plexus
temporalis muscle - arises from temporal fossa, medial to zygomatic arch,
inserts on coronoid process and anterior ramus
masseter muscle - arises from zygomatic arch, inserts on lateral body and
angle of mandible
medial pterygoid muscle - originates from medial aspect of lateral pterygoid
plate, inserts on medial body
mental nerve and artery
Pterygopalatine Fossa (PTF) and Communcations
foramen rotundum - bony communication between PTF and middle cranial fossa,
posterosuperior wall of PTF
pterygoid canal - bony communication between PTF and middle cranial fossa,
anterior lip of lacerate foramen, posterior wall of PTF
pharyngeal (palatovaginal) canal - bony communication between PTF and nasopharynx,
posteroinferior wall of PTF
lesser palatine canal - bony communication between PTF and oral cavity
(soft palate), floor (inferior wall) of PTF
greater palatine canal - bony communication between PTF and oral cavity
(hard palate), floor (inferior wall) of PTF
sphenopalatine canal - bony communication between PTF and nasal cavity,
medial wall of PTF
pterygomaxillary fissure - bony communication between PTF and infratemporal
fossa, lateral wall of PTF
inferior orbital fissure - bony communication between PTF and orbit, anterior
wall of PTF
Cranial Nerve Foramina
cribriform plate of ethmoid bone - transmits olfactory fila between anterior
cranial fossa and nasal cavity
optic canal - transmits optic nerve from middle cranial fossa to
superior orbital fissure - transmits oculomotor, trochlear, ophthalmic
(trigeminal), and aducens nerves from middle cranial fossa to orbit
internal auditory meatus - transmits facial and vestibulocochlear nerves
from posterior cranial fossa into the petris temporal bone
jugular foramen - transmits glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory
nerves from the posterior cranial fossa to the base of skull region
hypoglossal canal - transmits hypoglossal nerve from the posterior cranial
fossa to the base of skull region
The Structural Basis of Medical Practice
(Copyright Protected -- L.A. Evey, Ph.D.)