Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Face
This page has been visited 5964 times since August 2, 2011.
[ SBMP ] [ Skull ] [ Face ]
[ Cavernous Sinus ] [ Orbit ]
[ Parotid Region, TMJ, Mandible ] [ Infratemporal Fossa ]
[ Pterygopalatine Fossa ]
Face - Anterior View
Platysma muscle - arising from skin and inferior border of mandible, extending
inferiorly to level of second rib
Supraorbital n.a.- lateral to trochlea for superior opbique, extending
superiorly along superficial aspect of frontalis
Supratrochlear n.a. - superior to trochlea for superior oblique, distributing
to angle between orbit and naison
Infratrochlear n.a. - inferior to trochlea for superior oblique, distributing
to angle between orbit and nose
Infraorbital n.a. - posterior (deep) to levator labii superiorus
Lacrimal n. - piercing orbital septum in upper lateral quandrant (not easily
Orbital septum - continuous with periosteum of orbital rim
Lateral palpebral lig. - attaching superior and inferior tarsal plates
to orbital rim
Medial palbebral lig. - attaching superior and inferior tarsal plates to
orbital rim
Lacrimal sac - posterior inferior and posterior superior to medial palprebral
Mental n. - posterior to mentalis and 3 cm lateral to midline
Superior and inferior labial arteries - branches of facial a. near lateral
aspect of upper and lower lip
Angular a. - extension of facial a. near angle of nose
External nose - nasal cartilages (septum, alar)
Face - Lateral View
Parotid duct - crossing lateral surface of masseter, entering buccinator
muscle near upper 2nd molar
Facial nerve - visible passing through substance of parotid gland
temporal branch - crossing temporal bone (squamous part) anterior to ear
zygomatic branch - crossing zygomatic arch, coursing toward obicularis
buccal branch - crossing masseter and providing motor supply to buccinator,
passing through buccal fat pad
mandibular branch - crossing mandible toward obicularis oris
cervical branch - crossing mandible to provide motor to platysma
Buccal nerve - crossing medial (deep) to masseter through buccal fat pad,
deep branch pierces buccinator to provide sensory to oral mucosa
Buccal branch of facial n. - crossing lateral to masseter to supply SVE
to buccinator m.
Buccal n. - crossing medial to masseter to supply GSA to mucosa and skin
of buccal region (V3)
Facial a. - crossing body of mandible anterior to masseter m., passing
through submandibular gland
Inferior labial a. - branching from facial
Superior labial a. - branching from facial (possible common trunk for inferior
and superior labial arteries)
Facial vein - paralleling course of facial artery, posterior to facial
External ear
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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