Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Cavernous Sinus
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[ SBMP ] [ Skull ] [ Face ]
[ Cavernous Sinus ] [ Orbit ]
[ Parotid Region, TMJ, Mandible ] [ Infratemporal Fossa ]
[ Pterygopalatine Fossa ]
anterior: superior orbital fissure
posterior: apex of the petrous portion of temporal bone (region of lacerate
superior: diaphragma sellae
inferior: greater wing of sphenoid lateral to sellae turcica and medial
to f. ovale
medial: sellae turcica (sphenoid sinus, carotid groove)
lateral: separation of meningeal dura from periosteal dura near f. ovale
Related Bony Landmarks
lacerate foramen - transmits emissary v. between cavernous sinus and pterygoid
venus plexus
pterygoid canal - anterior lip of lacerate foramen
sellae turcica - dorsum sellae, hypophyseal fossa (for the hypophysis),
tuberculum sellae
anterior clinoid processes - lateral to path of internal carotid a., support
diaphragma sellae
chiasmatic groove - marks location of optic chiasm, anterior boundary of
middle cranial fossa
posterior clinoid processes - support diaphragma sellae
trigeminal cave - region marking location of trigeminal ganglion
foramen rotundum - transmits maxillary from cavernous sinus to pterygopalatine
foramen ovale - near, but lateral to cavernous sinus
groove for the greater superficial petrosal nerve - leads from canal anterior
and medial to cavernous sinus
carotid canal - opening into cavernous sinus and lacerate foramen
clivus of occipital bone - region of the basilar venus plexus, leads to
anterior vertebral venus plexus
groove for inferior petrosal sinus - between clivus and petrous portion
of temporal bone, inferior petrosal sinus
groove for superior petrosal sinus - along superior petrosal ridge of petrous
portion temporal bone
lesser wing of sphenoid bone - marking location sphenoparietal sinus
oculomotor nerve - superior at level of anterior clinoid process
trochlear nerve - related to lateral lip of diaphragma sellae
ophthalmic nerve (of V1) - lateral on internal carotid artery
abducens nerve - lateral on internal carotid artery, strong hint - we always
tag this on your exam
maxillary nerve (of V2) - floor of cavernous sinus, lateral on internal
carotid artery
greater superficial petrosal nerve - entering cavernous sinus near lacerate
foramen and carotid canal
deep petrosal nerve - sympathetic motor root derived from internal carotid
plexus (unlikely laboratory identification - beers to whoever finds it)
sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion - hard to find on dissection
internal carotid plexus - autonomic plexus on carotid artery
carotid siphon - internal carotid artery medial in cavernous sinus and
lateral to sphenoid sinus (an air sinus)
Related Structures
diaphragma sellae - contains intercavernous sinus, spread of infection
from oposite cavernous sinus
hypophysis (pituitary gland) - in hypophyseal fossa
superior petrosal sinus - tributary
inferior petrosal sinus - tributary
basilar venus plexus - on clivus, drains through foramen magnum, anterior
vertebral venus plexus
sphenoparietal sinus - tributary
emissay vein through lacerate foramen and foramen ovale - difficult to
superior ophthalmic vein - anterior continuation of cavernous sinus
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice
- Human Gross Anatomy, Radiology, Embryology
The Pennsylvania State University
of Medicine