Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Infratemporal Fossa
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[ SBMP ] [ Skull ] [ Face ]
[ Cavernous Sinus ] [ Orbit ]
[ Parotid Region, TMJ, Mandible ] [ Infratemporal Fossa ]
[ Pterygopalatine Fossa ]
Boundaries - Skull Landmarks
anterior - posterior aspect of maxilla
posterior - styloid process
superior - infratemporal crest
inferior - body of mandible
medial - pterygoid plate (pterygo maxillary fissure)
lateral - ramus of mandible
Zygomatic process temporal bone - forms suture with zygoma
Mastoid process - attachment of SCM, splenius capitus, longus capitus
External auditory meatus
Styloid process - site of origin for three mm having three different innervation,
stylohyoid ligament
Petrotympanic fissure - medial to mandibular fossa, chorda tympani branch
of facial
Lateral pterygoid plate - medial boundary of IFTF, site of attachment of
two muscles of mastication
Maxilla - forms anterior boundary of IFTF
Zygoma - contributes to zygomatic arch
Hamulus of medial pterygoid plate - pulley for tendon of tensor veli palatini
Greater wing of sphenoid bone - part of roof of IFTF, pterion, foramen
ovale, foramen spinosum
Inferior orbital fissure - transmits infraorbital a. (IFTF) and infraorbital
n. (PTF)
Pterygomaxillary fissure - medial wall of IFTF, communication between IFTF
and PTF
Pterygopalatine fossa - comunicates with IFTF, orbit, nasal cavity, oral
cavity, nasopharynx, cavernous sinus (MCF), MCF
Foramen spinosum - middle meningeal a., sphenomandibular lig, LSPN, between
Foramen ovale - mandibular division of trigeminal n., emissary v. (pterygoid
plexus to cavernous sinus), LSPN, between MCF and IFTF
Sphenopalatine foramen - medial wall of PTF, between PTF and nasal cavity,
transmits terminal branches maxillary a, branchs of V2
External carotid artery - terminating in maxillary a. and superficial temporal
Superficial temporal artery - giving off transverse facial a., anterior
to external auditory meatus, temporal fossa
Maxillary artery - posterior to neck of mandible
Deep auricular artery - branch off maxillary a. toward base of external
auditory meatus
Inferior alveolar artery - branch of maxillary a., entering mandibular
Middle meningeal artery - branch of maxillary a., entering foramen spinosum,
surrounded by split of auriculotemporal n.
Deep temporal arteries - deep to temporalis, temporal fossa, branches of
maxillary in IFTF
Buccal artery - branch of maxillary a., crossing lateral surface of medial
Posterior superior alveolar artery - entering foramen on posterior maxilla
Infraorbital artery - branch of maxillary a., entering inferior orbital
Artery of maxillary nerve - branch of maxillary a., through foramen rotundum
Artery of pterygoid canal - branch of maxillary a., through pterygoid canal
Pharyngeal artery - branch of maxillary a. through palatovaginal canal
Greater and lesser palatine arteries - leaving floor of pterygopalatine
fossa, at hard and soft palate
Lateral posterior nasal arteries - terminal branches of maxillary a., through
sphenopalatine foramen, superior, middle, inferior
Mandibular nerve - at foramen ovale
Auriculotemperal nerve - anterior to external auditory meatus
Inferior alveolar nerve - entering IFTF from PTF, enters foramen on posterior
Lingual nerve - lateral surface of medial pterygoid muscle
Buccal nerve - lateral surface of medial pterygoid muscle, piercing the
Chorda tympani nerve (CN VII) - petrotympanic fissure, joinning with the
lingual n., functional components
Maxillary nerve - roof of pterygopalatine fossa
Posterior superior alveolar nerve - entering infratemporal fossa from pterygopalatine
Infraorbital nerve - continuation of maxillary n. into the orbit, inferior
orbital fissure, roof of PTF
Mandibular Foramen - transmits inferior alveolar n. a., adjacent to lingula,
dental anesthesia
Facial Nerve - entering parotid region from stylomastoid foramen
Communicating branch - parasympathetics, leaving auriculotemporal n. to
join with branches of facial n.
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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