Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Posterior Triangle
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[ SBMP ] [ Cervical Fascia ] [ Posterior Triangle ]
[ Anterior Triangle ]
Posterior Triangle - Boundaries and Superficial Veins
Superficial temporal v. - passing anterior to external auditory meatus
Retromandibular v. - deep to parotid gland, along ramus of mandible
Maxillary v. - posterior to neck of mandible, lateral confluence of pterygoid
venous plexus
External Jugular v. - crossing the sternocleidomastoid
Subclavian v. - receiving external jugular, transverse cervical, and suprascapular
Supratrochlear v - connecting to angular vein (not easily demonstrated),
important for possible spread of infection
Supraorbital v. - possible route of infection from face to orbit and cavernous
Angular v. - possible route of infection from face to orbit and cavernous
Infraorbital v. - possible route of infection from face to orbit and cavernous
Facial v. - crossing mandible posterior to facial artery and at anterior
edge of masseter
Internal Jugular v. - note possible communication with facial vein (common
facial vein)
Anterior jugular v. - branch from facial vein or external jugular vein
traveling through anterior triangle
Occipital v. - drainage of posterior scalp into external vertebral venous
Posterior auricular v. - draining into retromandibular vein to mark beginning
of jugular vein
Suprascapular v. - draining into external jugular vein
Transverse cervical v. - draining into external jugular vein
Posterior Triangle (and lateral face) - Nerves and Superficial Structures
Great occipital n. - traversing scalp medial to occipital artery
Lesser occipital n. - traversing posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
(not crossing)
Great auricular n. - crossing sternocleidomastoid heading toward auricle,
early branch to parotid region
Transverse cervical n. - crossing orthogonal to sternocleidomastoid toward
skin of anterior triangle
Med. supraclavicular n. - coursing inferior toward sternum, branching from
large nerve stalk of cervical plexus
Intermed. Supraclavicular n. - coursing inferior toward middle clavical
Lat. supraclavicular n. - coursing inferior toward acromion
Spinal accessory n. (CN11) - crossing posterior triangle
Nerves surrounding orbital rim
Infratrochlear n.
Supratrochlear n.
Supraorbital n.
Lacrimal n.
Zygomaticofacial n.
Zygomaticotemporal n.
infraorbital n.
Dorsal nasal n. - difficult to find, know it is there and how it came to
be there
Buccal n. (CN V3) (face) - medial to masseter
Posterior Triangle - Deep Structures
Splenius Capitus M. - making up superior floor
Levator Scapular M.- floor inferior to splenius capitus
Scalenus Posterior - floor inferior to levator scapular
Scalenus Medius - posterior border of interscalene triangle
Scalenus Anterior - anterior border of interscalene triangle
Subclavius - who cares
Spinal Accessory N. - entering posterior triangle from upper third of sternocleidomastoid
Ventral Root C5 - most superior ventral root in interscalene triangle,
branch contributing to phrenic nerve
Ventral Root C6 - joined by C5 to from upper trunk brachial plexus
Ventral Root C7 - all alone
Ventral Root C8 - hanging out
Spinal Accessory N. - crossing posterior triangle to enter onto anterior
surface of trapezius
Dorsal Scapular N. - entering posterior triangle through middle scalene
Long Thoracic N. - entering posterior triangle through middle scalene,
descending posterior to brachial plexus
Suprascapular N. - branching from upper trunk and coursing toward scapula
Phrenic N. - deep to prevertebral fascia on anterior surface of anterior
Subclavian A. - parts one, two, and three
Thyrocervical Trunk - within vertebral triangle, distal to vertebral branch
of subclavian
Transverse Cervical A. - crossing anterior scalene anterior to phrenic
Dorsal Scapula A. - branch of transverse cervical artery
Suprascapular A. - crosing anterior scalene anterior to phrenic nerve and
inferior to transverse cervical artery
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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