Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Anterior Triangle
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[ SBMP ] [ Cervical Fascia ] [ Posterior Triangle ]
[ Anterior Triangle ]
Anterior belly of digastric muscle - at digastric fossa of mandible
Posterior belly of digastric muscle - originating from digastric groove
of temporal bone
Mylohyoid muscle - originating from mylohyoid line
Thyrohyoid membrane - between thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
Thyrohyoid muscle - between thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone, innervated
by nerve to thyrohyoid
Cricothyroid membrane - between cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage
Cricothyroid muscle - between circoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage,
tenses vocal ligament, external laryngeal nerve
Sternothyroid muscle - innervated by ansa cervicalis
Sternohyoid muscle - innervated by ansa cervicalis
Superior belly omohyoid - innervated by ansa cervicalis, omohyoid fascia
Posterior belly omohyoid
Thyroid gland - isthmus anterior to first, second, and third tracheal rings
Laryngeal prominence - "adams apple"
Vagus nerve - within carotid sheath, posterior to common carotid artery
Recurrent laryngeal nerve - traveling within tracheoesophageal groove
Superior laryngeal nerve - branching from region of nodose ganglion
Internal laryngeal nerve - piercing thyrohyoid membrane
External laryngeal nerve - SVE only, terminating at cricothyroid muscle
Lingual nerve - crossing superior aspect of hyoglossus, deep to mylohyoid
Hypoglossal nerve - crossing inferior aspect of hyoglossus, deep to mylohyoid
Nerve to mylohyoid - inferior to mylohyoid along body of mandible, branches
to mylohyoid and superior belly digastric
Facial nerve (digastric br.) - innervation to posterior belly digastric
Superior thyroid artery - early branch (usually first) of external carotid
Inferior thyroid artery - branch of thyrocervical trunk, crosses posterior
to carotid sheath
Superior laryngeal artery - branching from superior thyroid artery
Auriculotemporal nerve - entering parotid region posterior to neck of mandible
Facial nerve - entering parotid gland, leaving stylomastoid foramen
Nerve to thyrohyoid - branching from hypoglossal nerve (not part of hypoglossal
Superior root ansa cervicalis - branching from hypoglossal nerve (not part
of hypoglossal nerve)
Inferior root ansa cervicalis - ascending toward cervical plexus
Lingual artery - branching from external carotid, passing toward floor
of mouth medial to hyoglossus
Facial artery - branching from external carotid, passing through submandibular
gland, crossing mandible anterior to masseter
Occipital artery - closely related to hypoglossal nerve
Ascending pharyngeal artery - related to pharynx
Posterior auricular artery - good luck
Maxillary artery - entering infratemporal fossa
Superficial temporal artery - terminal branch of external carotid artery,
entering temporal fossa
Submandibular gland - wrapping posterior free edge of mylohyoid
Artery to Sternomastoid - crossing medial then lateral to hypoglossal nerve
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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