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Modified: Wednesday, 28-Sep-2005 23:29:36 EDT
The Structural Basis of Medical Practice (SBMP) - Identifications for the Back
The College of Medicine at The Pennsylvania State University
This page has been visited 6174 times since August 1, 2011.
Thoracoappendicular Muscles and Related Structures
- Trapezius - superior attachment at superior nuchal line (insertion and functional origin)
- Trapezius - origin from cervical spines (ligamentum nuchae) and thoracic spines
- Trapezius - upper fibers (superior nuchal line) insert on later scapular spine
- Trapezius - inferior fibers (lower thoracic spines) insert on medial scapular spine
- Trapezius - understand how trapezius effects upward rotation of the scapula
- Serratus anterior - vertebral border and inferior angle of trapezius (contributes to upward rotation
- Latissimus dorsi - origin from thoracolumbar fascia, insertion at inferior angle scapula and at the humerus
- Rhomboideus major - origin from spines of T2-T5, insertion on vertebral border of scapula, action is retraction
- Rhomboideus minor - origin from spines C7-T1, insertion on verterbral scapula near superior angle, action is retraction and elevation
- Levator scapulae - origin from transverse processes of C1-4, insertion on superior angle of scapular, action is elevation
- Relations of levator scapulae - lateral: spinal accessory nerve and (superficial branch) transverse cervical artery
- Relations of levator scapulae - medial: dorsal scapular nerve (nerve to the rhomboids) and dorsal scapular artery (deep branch of transverse cervical artery
Intermediate muscles of the back
- Serratus posterior superiorus - inhalation
- Serratus posterior inferiorus - exhalation
- Dorsal rami of spinal nerves providing motor and sensory innervation along the posterior axial border
Deep muscles of the back
- Splenius capitus - deep to trapezius, from nuchal ligament (spines of C7-T6) to lateral occipital bone and mastoid process, inserts immediately inferior to superior nuchal line
- Splenius cervicis - stops short of skull to insert on transvers processes of C1-C4
- Semispinalis capitus - from upper thoracic transverse processes to occipital of skull between superior and inferior nuchal lines
- Greater occipital nerve - passing posterior through the semispinalis muscle at the level of the axis
- Erector spinae - three muslces arising from common tendon on posterior sacrum
- Spinalis lateral to vertebral spines and anterior to transvers processes
- Longissiumus - immediately lateral to spinalis
- Iliocostalis - origin at posterior iliac crest and insertion at the angle of the ribs
- Appreciate that transversospinalis muscles exist (multifidus, rotatores, semispinalis) are cradles by the spines and transverse processes and must be dealt with during laminectomy
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine
of the The Pennsylvania State University
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