Temporal Fossa, Temporomandibular Joint, and Infratemporal Fossa - Learning Objectives and Review Questions


  1. The lesser superficial petrosal nerve is part of a somatic plexus whereas the buccal nerve is part of an autonomic trunk.
  2. The masseteric nerve passes through the mandibular notch.
  3. The posterior superior alveolar nerve branches from the maxillary nerve within the pterygopalatine fossa and enters the infratemporal fossa through the pterygomaxillary fissure.
  4. The buccal nerve passes the lateral aspect of the masseter muscle.
  5. The chorda tympani joins onto the inferior alveolar nerve before distributing to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
  6. Postganglionic fibers from the otic ganglion join onto; first the chorda tympani, and then the lingual nerve.
  7. A lesion of the chorda tympani within the infratemporal fossa is expected to decrease sensitivity of touch to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue as well as decrease lacrimation.
  8. A lesion of the lingual nerve within the floor of the mouth is expected to disrupt both taste and touch to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
  9. The mouth is apt to be stuck open if the condyle of the mandible slips forward to the articular tubercle.
  10. The left body of the mandible is one on the most commonly broken bones in males.
  11. The inferior alveolar nerve contributes to the inferior dental plexus and then continues onto the face as the mental nerve.
  12. The nerve to the mylohyoid conveys GSE fibers to the mylohyoid muscle and SVE fibers to the anterior belly of the digastric.
  13. The buccal nerve conveys SVE and GSA fibers to the buccinator muscle.
  14. The middle meningeal artery passes from the infratemporal fossa through the foramen spinosum to then be in the anterior cranial fossa.
  15. The inferior alveolar nerve encircles the middle meningeal artery.
  16. The posterior superior alveolar artery does not enter the pterygopalatine fossa despite that the nerve of the same name is within this fossa.
  17. The medial pterygoid muscle arises from the medial pterygoid plate whereas the lateral pterygoid muscle arises from the lateral pterygoid plate.
  18. The hamulus is an inferior extension of the lateral pterygoid plate.
  19. The maxillary artery passes from the infratemporal fossa to the pterygopalatine fossa whereas the maxillary nerve does not enter the infratemporal fossa.
  20. The lingula of the mandible is a site of attachment for the pterygomandibular raphe.
  21. The hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate is a site of attachment for the sphenomandibular ligament.
  22. The groove for the mylohyoid nerve proceeds inferior and anterior from the mandibular foramen
  23. A lesion of the lesser superficial petrosal nerve is expected to cause ipsilateral salivatory deficits.
  24. A lesion of the lingual nerve at the foramen ovale is expected to disrupt touch (GSA) but not taste (SVA) to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
  25. A lesion of the auriculotemporal nerve just medial to the neck of the mandible is expected to cause a salivatory deficit.
  26. The sympathetic root of the otic ganglion is derived from the external carotid plexus (middle meningeal plexus).

Short Answer

  1. Articular disk
  2. Chorda tympani
  3. Pterygomaxillary fissure
  4. Styloid Process
  5. Lesser superficial petrosal nerve
  6. Otic ganglion
  7. Lateral pterygoid plate
  8. Maxillary artery
  9. Sphenomandibular ligament
  10. Pterygomandibular raphe


  1. Discuss the temporomandibular joint. Include relationships, fascial specializations, vascularization, innervation, muscles and movements, and lymphatic drainage.
  2. Discuss the infratemporal fossa. Include boundaries, relationships, fascial specializations, vascularization, innervation, lymphatic drainage, and nerve injury.

-- WikiGuest - 05 Mar 2025
Topic revision: r3 - 03 Dec 2021, LorenEvey
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