Questions for the Radiology of the Thorax, Susann E. Schetter, DO
These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.
The superior vena cava enters the left atrium.
Most anterior is the left ventricle.
The atria contribute to the lateral margins of the heart.
The superior vena cava contributes to the right margin of the mediastinum.
The carina is located anterior to the 4 thoracic vertebra.
Immediately posterior to the sternum is the right ventricle.
The phrenic nerve follows the lateral margin of the anterior mediastinum.
The pericardiacophrenic artery is located with endothoracic fascia.
Middle lobe syndrome is caused by enlarged lymph nodes at the root of the left lung.
In general, within the root of the lung the veins are most anterior followed by the bronchi and then pulmonary arteries.
The pulmonary arteries cross the anterior surfaces of the bronchi.
The right pulmonary artery is longer than the left and the right bronchus is shorter than left.
There are two brachiocephalic veins but only one brachiocephalic artery.
From anterior to posterior within the superior mediastinum are the left brachiocephalic vein, bracchiocephalic a. left common carotid a., left subclavian a., trachea, and esophagus.
The arch of the azygos vein cradles the right main bronchus.
The brachiocephalic veins cross anterior to he branches of the arotic arch (the great vessels).
The right main bronchus is cradled by the arch of the azygos.
The left pulmonary artery passes anterior to the left main bronchus.
The ligamentum arteriosus attaches the aortic arch to the right pulmonary artery.
The root of the main pulmonary artery is anterior to the aortic bulb.
The pulmonary artery crosses the anterior surface of the left coronary artery and the posterior surface of the right coronary artery.
The most posterior aspect of the heart is the right atrium.
The most inferior margin of the paricardium is applied the the central tendon of the diaphragm.
A dilated aortic arch may lead to hoarseness.
A catheter passed from the femoral vein to the pulmonary artery must pass through the bicuspid (mitral) valve.
The brachiocephalic veins are anterior to the aortic arch branches.
The right brachiocephalic artery is longer than the left brachiocephalic artery.
The arch of the azygos vein is celebrated for arching over the superior border of the left main bronchus.
The right pulmonary artery passes anterior to the right main bronchus.
The left pulmonary artery passes anterior to the left main bronchus.
The pulmonary artery is the most anterior of the heart vessels.
Lower Extremity Review
The popliteal artery descends inferior to the inferior border of the popliteal fossa.
The popliteal artery terminates into the posterior tibial and peroneal arteries
The anterior tibial artery is a branch of the peroneal artery.