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Clinical Correlate: Thorax - E. R. Bollard, MD, DDS, FACP


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Questions for the Clinical Correlate: Thorax - E. R. Bollard, MD, DDS, FACP

These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.


  1. A forced abduction of the leg (adduction of the thigh) stresses the medial collateral ligament.
  2. The inferior anastomotic ring of the genicular anastomosis crosses deep to the patella ligament part of the quadraceps tendon.
  3. Venous drainage from the lung tissue proper is largely by way of the pulmonary veins.
  4. The bronchial arteries are not accompanied by bronchial veins.
  5. The majority of the heart is perfused by the left coronary artery.
  6. Ischemia of the sinuatrial node may lead to decreased heart rate.
  7. Perfusion of the coronary arteries during diastole relies on elastic recoil of the arterial system.
  8. Cardiac tamponade results when a space occupying event occurs within the pericardial cavity.
  9. The sternochondral joint is a synovial joint and the costochondral joint is a syndesmosis joint.

Definition and Short Answer

  1. First question.


  1. First question.





-- WikiGuest - 06 Oct 2024

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