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Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishments

Research and/or scholarly publications

Citations should include beginning and ending page numbers or total number of pages, where appropriate; for multiple-aughored works, the contribution of the candidate be clearly indicated (e.g., principal author, supervised person who authored the work, etc.). Electronic journals should be listed in appropriate categories with documentation as outlined in the Administrative Guidelines, III,C.7.b.

Publications should be listed as follows:
  1. Articles published in refereed journals (include only articles in refereed journals in the section)
  2. Books
  3. Parts of books
  4. Book reviews
  5. Articles published in nonrefereed journals
  6. Articles in in-house publications
  7. Research reports to sponsor
  8. Manuscripts accepted for publication (substantiated by letter of acceptance) - indicate if peer reviewed and number pages of manuscript
  9. Manuscripts submitted for publication, with an indication of where submitted and when - Indicate if peer reviewed and number of pages of manuscript
  10. Manuscripts in progress (second- and fourth-year reviews only)
    • NA
  11. Cooperative extension bulletins and circulars

Creative accomplishments

Exhibition, installation, production, of publication of original works or architecture, dance, design, electronic media, film, journalism, landscape architecture, literature, music theatre, and visual art
  • Cranial nerve tutorials
  • Human Gross Anatomy website
  • Medical histology website

Performance of original dance, literary, musical, visual arts, and/or theatrical works or works from traditional and contemporary repertories of the performing arts
  • None

Papers presented at technical and professional meetings (meeting and paper titles); indication about whether the candidate was the presenter

  • subheading

Record of participation in, and description of, seminars and workshops (short description of activity, with titles, dates, sponsor, etc.); indication of role in seminar or workshop, e.g., student, invited participant, etc.

  • Anatomy of head and neck for regional block workshop - hahn
  • Anatomy consultant for CME and Body Works presentation at HMC

Description of outreach or other activities in which there was significant use of candidate's expertise (consulting, journal editor, reviewer for refereed journals or presses, peer reviewer of grants, speaking engagements, services to government agencies, professional and industrial associations, educational institutions, etc.

  • subheading

Funded projects, grants, commissions, and contracts (date, title, where submitted, amount):

  1. Completed
  2. In progress
  3. Proposed

Other evidence of research or creative accomplishments as appropriate (patents, new product development, new art forms, citation index analysis, etc.)

A. Development of a Glass-Insulated and Spherically-Tipped Tungsten Microelectrode for Extracellular Recording From Small Neurons

Prior to coming to Hershey in 1985, Dr. Evey had developed a method for making tungsten electrodes that were used for recording extracellular electrical activity from the brains of rats. These electrodes were coated with an insulating varnish except for the tip. The metal tip must be directly exposed to neural tissues in order to record electrical activity. The surface area of the exposed tip determines the performance of the microelectrode. The method Dr. Evey developed relied on first coating the entire extent of the electrode, including the tip, and then blasting varnish off the tip with a high voltage spark. Previous methods for exposing the tip relied on the number of coats of varnish and the retraction of varnish during curing. One too many coats of varnish and the electrode was ruined. Electrodes having tip exposure controlled by high voltage sparks recorded with greater signal-to-noise ratios than did electrodes having the tip exposure controlled by the retraction of varnish during curing. Nevertheless, neither technique was of adequate precision to predict the performance of an electrode prior to using the electrode. Valuable research time was often lost because the electrode was not parametrically correct.

In Dr. Norgren's laboratory, the methodology for insulating tungsten electrodes relied on inserting the tungsten electrode into a glass pipette. Exposure of the tip relied on retracting glass from the tip with a ball of molten glass. This procedure was carried out under microscopic guidance. The tip exposure was somewhat unpredictable, but unlike the case with removing varnish by high voltage sparks, the interface between the glass and the exposed tungsten could be observed under a high powered light microscope. The glass coated electrodes worked well for multiple neuron recordings. They never approached the signal to noise ratio for recording from signal neurons seen when using varnish coated electrodes. Dr. Evey suspected that the glass coated electrodes were compromised by a poor seal at the interface between the glass insulation and the exposed metal tip resulting in an electrical short.

During his first year at Hershey Dr. Evey developed an amalgamation of the Norgren laboratory glass insulating methodology with his own varnish insulating methodology. His goal was to develop an electrode that had a tight seal between the glass insulation and the exposed metal tip. Relative to varnish insulation, Dr. Evey expected to find that glass insulation would improved signal-to-noise ratios and durability. A successful technique for applying glass insulation evolved and Dr. Evey's expectations were met. Electrodes made with his new methodology had improved signal-to-noise ratios, single-neuron isolation, and greater durability to withstand passing current for making marking lesions.

Recordings from isolated gustatory neurons were often stable for an hour and some exceeded three hours. Amplitudes exceeding 20,000 uV were recorded from larger cells located in the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal tract. Electrodes giving the best results had: 1) an exposed tip length of 7 to 10 um; 2) a tungsten shoulder diameter of 3 to 4 um at the glass interface; 3) a spherical tip of 2 to 4 um in diameter; and 4) an impedance of 3.3 to 3.7 MEGOHMS at 1000 Hz. The technique is easy to learn, uses common laboratory equipment, and does not require exposure to extremely toxic chemicals. With practice, 5 to 10 microelectrodes can be made per hour.

Development of a fluid delivery system for gustatory neurophysiology

In 1990 Dr. Evey began developing an automated fluid delivery system for gustatory research. His postdoctoral research involved characterizing the features of neurons that respond to gustatory stimuli. At first, Dr. Evey used wash bottles to apply fluids to the tongue as a way to stimulate taste buds. There were a number of disadvantages to this method. It was difficult to precisely control the onset of stimulation, the specific region of stimulation, and the amount of stimulation. These difficulties reflected having to position and squeeze the wash bottles by hand. Dr. Evey sought a way to use a singe nozzle to apply fluids to the tongue with the aid of a computer controlled apparatus.

The primary challenge to overcome was how to prevent cross contamination of fluids when using the same nozzle to deliver different fluids. For example, a solution containing NaCl might first be flowed across the tongue to measure the neuronal response to salt. The next solution might contain sucrose to measure the neuronal response to sugar. It was essential that the sucrose solution was not contaminated by the previous salt solution.

Dr. Evey first designed a working prototype that was controlled by electrical switches. The problem of cross contamination was solved. The stimulus nozzle was withdrawn into a vacuum chamber where it could be rinsed with water and loaded with a new stimulus solution. The vacuum chamber removed all traces of the previous solution. The nozzle was then extended out of the vacuum chamber ready to present a new solution. Dr. Evey then wrote computer software to automate the entire process. A nearly unlimited series of fluid deliveries were possible without intervention by the experimenter. The fluid delivery system made it unnecessary to disturb the preparation, thus, enhancing stability, eliminating vibration, and reducing electrical noise. This apparatus was used by several investigators in Dr. Norgren's laboratory during the 15 years subsequent to its invention.

Record of pursuit of advanced degrees and/or further academic studies

  • None

Record of membership in professional and learned societies

  • Dates for SFN

Description of new courses and /or programs developed, including service learning and outreach courses

  • subheading

Description of new computer software programs developed

*WAG report

  • Taste stimulator
  • Spike histogram data

Description of new methods of teaching established courses and/or programs

A. Development of the Message boards for the Structural Basis of Medical Practice

In the mid-90s Dr. Evey routinely answered student questions by email. Often times, the same question was asked by several students. Answering the same question by separate email replies, albeit personal and engaging, was not efficient.

In the winter of 1997 Dr. Evey envisioned an interactive website where students and faculty could ask questions about gross anatomy. In this manner, questions and answers were available for immediate display over the Internet. Further, Dr. Evey envisioned that an interactive message board on the Internet would inspire student to interact with the faculty in the laboratory and the lecture hall. This is what happened.

Dr. Evey established the interactive message boards in the summer of 1997 in time for the fall semester of gross anatomy. The message boards quickly became an integral part of the SBMP block. Each of the four message boards, one for each section of gross anatomy generates about 200 questions and 4000 visitations per year. Questions are cleared each year at the beginning of the fall semester so that the process of formulating and answering questions is preserved for each incoming class. In addition to the students asking questions, the faculty ask questions to help guide the students. Once the students make an effort to answer a question the faculty then elaborate and provide feedback. The message boards have been well received by faculty and students.

B. Development of an Interactive Website for the Structural Basis of Medical Practice

In 1997 Dr. Evey established a non-interactive website for distributing information about the human gross anatomy component of the SBMP teaching block. This website provided a repository of lecture handouts, previous examinations, answer keys, schedules, laboratory procedures, course syllabuses, and other administrative details. Dr. Evey was often overwhelmed by students and faculty who requested that he update the website with additional information.

In the summer of 2005, Dr. Evey migrated the content of the SBMP website to an interactive website known as a Wiki. He envisioned that a Wiki would allow students and faculty to directly contribute content to the SBMP website without needing Dr. Evey as an intermediary. A Wiki allows for the easy creation and editing of web pages. Those who contribute to a wiki can easily do so from any computer connected to the Internet from anywhere in the world. All that is needed is a browser (e.g, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc). No special knowledge is required to view, edit, or contribute content to a wiki. Perhaps the most widely recognized educational wiki is Wikipedia.

Administrative support for maintaining wiki infrastructures by institutional Information Technology departments is generally not available. While it is simple for a visitor to interact with a Wiki, it is quite another matter to establish a Wiki. Dr. Evey established the computer intrastructure for the SBMP wiki at his residence. Having total and immediate administratiive access to the wiki enables Dr. Evey to quickly respond to administrative details as they arise.

The SBMP Wiki fulfilled Dr. Evey's vision that the website become more of a community effort. The faculty, graduate students, and medical students can now quickly publish content directly the website. Corrections can be immediately applied to any content that resides on the Wiki. Perhaps the greatest advantage of the Wiki for Dr. Evey is that he can focus on the content of the Wiki more so than before because the intricacies of publishing to the web is mediated by the Wiki infrastructure.

C. Development of the Medical Histology Laboratory Manual and Atlas

Beginning the June of 2006, Dr. Evey supervised a project aimed at translating our existing medical histology atlas from traditional slides and passive text to digitized slides and interactive text. The goal of the project was to provide our students with a virtual laboratory that could be visited on the Internet. Our tradition methods for teaching the medical histology laboratory were rapidly becoming obsolete. We were using microscopes and light projectors to view histological specimens and images. Our slide projectors were aging, not-serviceable, and not cost effective to replace. Our resources for replenishing glass mounted specimens were limited. Dr. Evey was consulted about how computers and the Internet might be helpful in presenting the histology atlas and its accompanying laboratory manual. It was decided to publish the atlas to an interactive website known as a wiki.

Dr. Evey's decision to adapt the medical histology atlas on a wiki platform was inspired by his knowledge that The National Institute for Health (NIH) was planing to use wiki websites to host virtual collaborations between their various geographical locations. The NIH allows that wiki-based collaborations provide advantages that can't be provided by conference calls and email. Similarly, Dr. Evey envisioned that the web based medical histology manual would, itself, be developed through a virtual collaboration of faculty and interested medical students. This is exactly what happened.

There were many decisions to be made that would have to be lived with once the project was started. The general plan was to provide a collaborative platform that engaged faculty and interested students in the creation of the laboratory manual. The collaborators included faculty located at the College of Medicine and at the University Main Campus. Two students were the primary collaborators representing the student body. Additionally, interest parties from around the world were invited to write comments about the evolving project by way of the collaborative wiki. This collaborative effort, orchestrated by Dr. Evey proved to be spectacularly successful. The wiki infrastructure that provided the collaborative platform for creating the laboratory manual is the same infrastructure that currently displays the laboratory manual available on the web. It was a beautiful implementation of efficiency.

The medical histology atlas and laboratory manual first appeared on the web in June of 2006. The atlas was essentially completed by the end of July 2007. During the fall of 2007 there were approximately 3000 visitors per month to the atlas website. Visitations to website increased to approximately 10,000 per month during the spring of 2008 and then further increased to 20,000 visitations per month through the summer of 2008. Currently the number of visitations varies from approximately 15,000 to 30,000 per month. Visitors to the site are from around the world.

D. Development of tutorials for learning about the functional components of the cranial nerves

In 1986 Dr. Evey started tutoring students who were on the cusp of failing human gross anatomy. During the ensuing 24 years of tutoring challenged students, Dr. Evey has received extensive student feedback about the conveyance of course material both in the lecture room and in the laboratory. All students, not just those on the cusp of failing, are challenged by the nervous system. Some students never fully understand that there are individual fibers within a nerve and that these fibers mediate particular qualities of sensory and motor function. Although there are several faculty who teach about the peripheral nerves, Dr. Evey has the primary responsibility for teaching about the functional components of the cranial nerves.

Most of the lectures in human gross anatomy are closely linked to a corresponding laboratory immediately following the lecture. Dr. Evey, however, delivers a series of lectures on the cranial nerves that are not linked to any particular laboratory. On their final examination, students are asked to isolate lesion locations along a cranial nerve based on whether particular functions are either intact or perturbed. For example, a paralysis of the facial muscles paired with a disruption of salivation and taste on the tongue but with intact glandular secretion and taste on hard palate indicates a lesion of the facial nerve distal to the branching of the greater superficial petrosal nerve and proximal to the branching of the chorda tympani nerve. Many students have great difficulty explaining why this is true. The explanation resides in knowing the distribution of the functional components of, in this case, facial nerve. Similar predictions could be made in case of perturbations for any of the cranial nerves.

Dr. Evey was sometimes discouraged by questions asked after a lecture that indicated he had failed to convey key concepts. He envisioned a series of cranial nerve tutorials that would enhance his lectures. These tutorials were to be computerized, interactive, animated, self-paced, and available on the Internet.

In 2002, Dr. Evey began developing a tutorial for learning about the functions and anatomy of the facial nerve. He supervised a medical student, Amy Bridgeman, to help develop the tutorial. Ms. Bridgeman's contribution fulfilled her Medical Student Research Project (MSRP) requirement for graduation. Dr. Evey was the sponsor for her MSRP. The tutorial centered on a lecture handout consisting of a color coded schematic for each of the cranial nerves. Each color represents one of seven possible functional components. The schematic traces each functional component from its proximal beginning in the central nervous system to its distal distribution along the peripheral nervous system. The schematic includes key anatomical landmarks along the distribution of the nerve. The facial nerve tutorial brings the functional components to life through interaction and animation. Two versions of the tutorial were created. The efficacy of an animated version was compared to the efficacy of a non-animated version. Both versions covered the same content. The non-animated tutorial presented a textual explanation for a static version of the cranial nerve handout. Survey data indicated that the animated tutorial was more effective and preferred relative to the non-animated tutorial. The facial nerve tutorial was made available on the Internet in 2004 and is currently available on the human gross anatomy website. Students often cite this tutorial as a key learning aid for their studies of cranial nerve anatomy and function. In 2004, Dr. Evey sponsored a second MSRP aimed at developing a tutorial about cranial nerve function and anatomy. With the help of Emily Kowalik, an interested medical student working toward fulfilling her MSRP requirement for graduation, Dr. Evey began developing a tutorial for learning about the functions and anatomy of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Similar to the facial nerve tutorial, two versions of the glossopharyngeal nerve tutorial were created. One version was based on a series of static images and the other version was based on a series of animated images. The content was the same for both versions. Both versions of the tutorial were based on Dr. Evey's schematic handout for learning about the anatomy and functional components of the glossopharnygeal nerve. Both tutorials were equally effective based on pre- and post-test scores. The glossopharyngeal nerve tutorial was made available on the Internet in 2007 and is currently available on the human gross anatomy website. Students often comment that the glossopharyngeal nerve tutorial, in conjuction with the facial nerve tutorial, is a key resource for learning about cranial nerve anatomy and function.

The facial nerve and glosspharyngeal nerve tutorials are available for viewing on the Internet at

List of honors or awards for scholarship or professional activity

  • subheading

List of grants and contracts for improvement of instruction, with an indication of the candidate's role in preparing and administering the grants and contracts

  • subheading

Applications of research scholarship in the field including new applications developed and tested; new or enhanced systems and procedures demonstrated evaluated for government, professional and industrial associations, educational institutions, etc

  • subheading

Technology transferred or adapted in the field

  • subheading

Technical assistance provided

  • Microelectrode construction
  • Geniculate ganglion surgery
  • Data acquisition and storage
  • Hardware configuration

Other evidence of impact in society of research scholarship and creative accomplishments

  • WAG
  • Clinical rotations

If there are unit-specific objective criteria used for assessing the scholarly substance and quality of the candidate's achievement in research and creative accomplishment, list the candidate's performance as measured by these criteria.

  • subheading





-- LorenEvey - 12 Jan 2010

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