Scapular Region: Laboratory Identifications


  1. Sternal end
  2. Body
  3. Acromial end
  4. Trapezoid line
  5. Conoid tubercle
  6. Attachment site for costoclavicular ligament


  1. Supraspinous fossa
  2. Infraspinous fossa
  3. Subscapular fossa
  4. Spine
  5. Acromion
  6. Acromial angle
  7. Vertebral border
  8. Lateral border
  9. Inferior angle
  10. Superior angle
  11. Scapular notch
  12. Neck
  13. Root of spine
  14. Spinoglenoid notch
  15. Superior transverse scapular ligament (ossified?)
  16. Inferior transverse scapular ligament
  17. Coracoid process
  18. Coracoacromial ligament
  19. Glenoid cavity (fossa)
  20. Supraglenoid tubercle
  21. Infraglenoid tubercle


  1. Head
  2. Anatomical neck
  3. Lesser tubercle
  4. Greater tubercle
  5. Intertubercular groove
  6. Surgical neck
  7. Crests of greater and lesser tubercles
  8. Shaft
  9. Deltoid tuberosity
  10. radial groove
  11. Lateral and medial supracondylar ridge
  12. Coronoid and radial fossa
  13. Olecranon fossa
  14. Lateral and medial epicondyle
  15. Capitulum
  16. Trochlea
  17. Groove for ulnar nerve

Dissection - Shoulder Region

  1. Cephalic vein in clavipectoral triangle
  2. Basilic vein on medial arm
  3. Upper lateral cutaneous nerve of arm (axillary nerve)
  4. Intercostobrachial cutaneous nerve (T2)
  5. Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
  6. Acromial branches of supraclavicular nerves
  7. Posterior brachial cutaneous nerve
  8. Deltoid muscle
  9. Axillary nerve
  10. Posterior circumflex humeral artery
  11. Teres minor
  12. Quadrangular space
  13. Long head of the triceps
  14. Lateral head of the triceps
  15. Triangular interval
  16. Radial nerve within triangular interval
  17. Profunda brachii artery within triangular interval
  18. Supraspinatus muscle and infraspinatus muscle
  19. Superior transverse scapular ligament (suprascapular lig.)
  20. Inferior transverse scapular ligament
  21. Levator scapulae
  22. Suprascapular nerve and artery
  23. Posterior belly omohyoid muscle
  24. Transverse cervical artery (deep and superficial branches)
  25. Triangular space
  26. Circumflex scapular artery
  27. Dorsal scapular nerve and artery
  28. Intercostal arteries to scapular anastomosis
  29. Joint capsule and rotator cuff
  30. Tendinous insertions of supra-/infraspinatus and teres minor
  31. Tendinous insertion of subscapularis
  32. Subacromial bursa
  33. Coracoacromial ligament and arch
  34. Pectoralis major
  35. Pectoralis minor
  36. Medial and lateral pectoral nerves
  37. Serratus anterior

-- WikiGuest - 05 Mar 2025

Topic revision: r4 - 21 Oct 2016, LorenEvey
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