Pterygopalatine Fossa and Maxillary Nerve Identifications

Maxillary Division of the Trigeminal Nerve and the Pterygopalatine Fossa

  • Functional components - native GSA plus non-native "hitchhikers"
  • Foramen Rotundum - middle cranial fossa to pterygopalatine fossa
    • Transmits maxillary nerve
  • Pterygoid Canal - middle cranial fossa to pterygopalatine fossa
    • Transmits the nerve of the pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve)
    • Anterior lip of the lacerate foramen
    • Carotid groove
    • Sphenoid air sinus
  • Nerve of the pterygoid canal - functional components and parent nerves, distribution
    • Hiatus of the canal for the greater superficial petrosal nerve
    • Groove for the greater superficial petrosal nerve (VII)
    • Intracranial opening of the carotid canal at the lacerate foramen
    • Internal carotid plexus
    • Deep petrosal nerve
    • Apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone
  • Pharyngeal Canal - pterygopalatine fossa to nasopharynx
    • Transmits pharyngeal nerve to nasopharynx, native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Ala of the vomer
    • Vaginal process of medial pterygoid plate
    • Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
    • Palatovaginal canal (pharyngeal canal)
  • Lesser palatine canal - pterygopalatine fossa to oral cavity
    • Transmits lesser palatine nerve to soft palate, native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Medial pterygoid plate
    • Hamulus - tensor veli palatini
    • Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
  • Greater palatine canal - pterygopalatine fossa to oral cavity
    • Transmits greater palatine nerve to hard palate, native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Sphenopalatine foramen - why so named?
  • Sphenopalatine foramen - pterygopalatine fossa to nasal cavity
    • Transmits lateral posterior nasal nerves and nasopalatine nerve to nasal cavity, native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Superior, middle, and inferior nasal chonchae (turbinates when covered with erectile tissue)
    • Superior, middle, and inferior nasal meatae and associated drainages
    • Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
    • Vomer
    • Uncinate process, ethmoidal bulla, infundibulum, and hiatus semilunaris
    • Sphenoethmoidal recess - drainage of sphenoid sinus, posterior air cells
  • Inferior orbital fissure - pterygopalatine fossa to orbit
    • Greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla
    • Transmits maxillary nerve and zygomatic nerve to the orbit
    • Infraorbital nerve - native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Zygomatic nerve - native and non-native functional components
    • Zygomaticofacial nerve - native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Zygomaticotemporal nerve - native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Canals for the zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial nerves
    • Lacrimal nerve (from ophthalmic division of trigeminal) - native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Infraorbital groove, infraorbital canal, and infraorbital foramen
    • Middle superior alveolar nerve, native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Anterior superior alveolar nerve, native and non-native functional components, distribution
  • Pterygomaxillary fissure - pterygopalatine fossa to infratemporal fossa
    • Anterior border of the lateral pterygoid plate and posterior border of maxilla
    • Transmits posterior superior alveolar nerve, native and non-native functional components, distribution
    • Transmits terminal branches of maxillary artery


-- WikiGuest - 01 Sep 2024

Topic revision: r2 - 07 Dec 2015, LorenEvey
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