Discuss the anatomy of the popliteal fossa and include an account of the boundaries, vascular supply, innervation, ligaments, bones, contents, muscles, and relationships. (12 pts)
- posterior to knee, diamond shaped, fat filled, passage of key structures to the lower limb
Superior boundary - apex of diamond formed by semimembranosus and semitendinosus diverging from biceps femoris
- sciatic n. - enters from posterior thigh deep to hamstrings, divides into tibial (medial) and common peroneal (lateral) nn.
Superior lateral boundary - biceps femoris
- superior lateral genicular a.v. - leaves popliteal fossa femur at lateral femoral epicondyle superior to origin of gastrocnemius
- superior medial genicular a.v. - leaves popliteal fossa at medial femoral epicondyle superior to adductor tubercle
Inferior lateral boundary - lateral head of gastrocnemius
- inferior lateral genicular a.v. - leaves popliteal fossa crossing posterior surface of popliteus fascia and arcuate ligament, deep to head of gastrocnemius
- common peroneal n. - leaves popliteal posterior to lateral head gastrocnemius
- inferior medial genicular a.v. - leaves popliteal fossa posterior surface of tibia near the plateau, deep to head of gastrocnemius
- posterior tibial a.v. - leaves popliteal fossa deep to the heads of origin of soleus
- sural aa. - leaves popliteal fossa by entering the bellies of gastrocnemius
- branches of tibial n. to the gastrocnemius
Posterior boundary - popliteal fascia (deep fascia), tranisition from fascia lata to crural fascia
- medial and lateral sural nn. - branches for tibial and common peroneal nn.
- short saphenous v. - pierces popliteal fascia to enter the popliteal v.
Anterior boundary - femur, tibial plateau, joint capsule, oblique popliteal lig., arcuate lig., popliteus m.
- popliteal a.v. - enter through adductor hiatus (superior medial anterior in the fossa) as continuation of the femoral vessels.
- middle genicular a. leaves popliteal fossa through the posterior aspect of the joint capsule
Relations within the fossa
- superficial to deep: sciatic n and branches, femoral v., femoral a.
Lymphatic drainage - popliteal lymph nodes
- superficial drainage of leg along channels enter popliteal fossa along with the lesser saphenous v.
- deep drainage of leg enters popliteal fossa along with posterior tibial vessels
- lymph from popliteal fossa ascend along femoral vessels to deep inquinal nodes