Joints of the Upper Extremity: Laboratory Identifications

Sternoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Joints

  • Proximal clavicle
  • Clavicular notch of sternum
  • Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligament
  • Costoclavicular ligament
  • Articular disk
  • Distal clavicle
  • Acromion
  • Acromioclavicular ligament
  • Coracoclavicular ligaments
    • Trapezoid ligament
    • Conoid ligament

Glenohumeral Joint

  • Glenoid fossa
  • Head of humerus
  • Glenoid labrum
  • Tendon long head biceps at supraglenoid tubercle
  • Joint capsule
  • Supraspinatus tendon blending with capsule
  • Infraspinatus tendon blending with capsule
  • Teres minor tendon blending with capsule
  • Subscapularis tendon blending with capsule
  • Superior glenohumeral ligament
  • Middle glenohumeral ligament
  • Inferior glenohumeral ligament
  • Coracoid process
  • Acromion
  • Coracoacromial ligament
  • Coracoacromial arch
  • Subacromial bursa
  • Transverse humeral ligament

Elbow Joint

  • Trochlea of the humerus
  • Capitulum
  • Trochlear notch of ulna
  • Radial head
  • Radial notch of ulna
  • Radial tuberosity
  • Coronoid process
  • Radial collateral ligament
  • Ulnar collateral ligament
  • Anular ligament

Wrist Joint

  • Distal radius
  • Scaphoid
  • Lunate
  • Styloid process radius *Styloid process ulnar
  • Radial collateral ligaments
  • Ulnar collateral ligaments
  • Triquetrum
  • Articular disk
  • Distal radioulnar joint

-- WikiGuest - 06 Oct 2024

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