Craniovertebral Joints and Prevertebral Region - Learning Objectives and Review Questions


  1. The occipital condyle is crossed longitudinally by the condylar canal and transversely by the hypoglossal canal.
  2. The pharyngobasilar fascia/membrane is attached to the pharyngeal tubercle.
  3. Superior free edges of the pharyngobasilar fascia allow for the internal opening of the auditory tube.
  4. The primary movements at the atlantooccipital joint are rotation and lateral flexion.
  5. The anterior atlantooccipital membrane accommodates passage of the vertebral arteries from the base of the skull into the cranium.
  6. The tectorial membrane is continuous with the anterior atlantooccipital membrane and also with the anterior longitudinal ligament.
  7. The cruciform ligament is continuous with the anterior atlantooccipital membrane and also with the anterior longitudinal ligament.
  8. The tectorial membrane is continuous with the posterior atlantooccipital membrane and with the alar ligament.
  9. The tectorial membrane is posterior to the cruciform ligament and is continuous with the posterior longitudinal ligament.
  10. The cruciform ligament covers the posterior surface of the dens.
  11. The transverse part of the cruciform ligament is located inferior to the alar ligaments.
  12. The alar ligaments connect the dens to the atlas.
  13. The lateral attachments of the transverse fibers of the cruciform ligament are to the axis.
  14. The apex of the vertebral triangle is at the transverse process of C5.
  15. A cervical rib may be present at C7.
  16. Compression of the contents of the interscalene triangle may occur if a cervical rib is present.
  17. The vertebral artery is typically the most proximal branch of the subclavian artery.
  18. The thyrocervical trunk is medial to the anterior scalene muscle and, thus, is in the vertebral triangle.
  19. The inferior thyroid artery crosses anterior to the longus colli muscle and posterior to the carotid sheath.
  20. The three parts of the subclavian artery are referenced to the pectoralis minor muscle.
  21. The thyrocervical trunk and vertebral artery arise from the superior margin of the subclavian artery.
  22. The costocervical trunk arises from the posterior margin of the subclavian artery.
  23. The internal thoracic artery arises from the inferior margin of the subclavian artery.
  24. The vertebral artery enters the transverse process of the C7 along with the vertebral vein.
  25. The inferior cervical ganglion is often fused with the T1 sympathetic trunk ganglion to form the stellate ganglion.
  26. The ansa subclavia innervates the infrahyoid muscles.
  27. The internal carotid nerve enters the carotid canal to then ramify around the internal carotid artery and form the internal carotid plexus.
  28. The internal carotid nerve is a superior extension of the superior cervical sympathetic trunk ganglion.
  29. The interscalene triangle contains the brachial plexus and the subclavian artery.
  30. The suprapleural membrane extends superior to the level of the first rib.


-- WikiGuest - 27 Jul 2024

Topic revision: r1 - 01 Oct 2013, UnknownUser
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