Craniovertebral Joints and Prevertebral Region - Identifications

Craniovertebral Joints

  1. Anterior arch of the atlas
  2. Posterior arch of the atlas
  3. Superior articular facet of atlas (atlanto-occipital joint articulation)
  4. Facet for dens of the atlas (atlanto-axial joint articulation)
  5. Anterior and posterior synovial cavities of atlanto-axial joint
  6. Transverse ligament of atlas - prevents posterior displacement of dens, component of cruciate ligament
  7. Alar ligaments - from dens to margin of foramen magnum, limits rotation
  8. Tectorial membrane - superior extension of posterior longitudinal ligament
  9. Superior and Inferior longitudinal ligaments - vertical component of cruciate ligament

Prevertebral Region

  1. Digastric groove
  2. Styloid process
  3. Stylomastoid foramen
  4. Facial nerve
  5. Jugular foramen
  6. Internal jugular vein
  7. Glossopharyngeal nerve
  8. Vagus nerve
  9. Spinal accessory nerve
  10. Hypoglossal nerve
  11. Longus colli muscle
  12. Longus capitus muscle
  13. Subclavian artery
  14. Common carotid artery
  15. Vertebral artery
  16. Transverse foramen of atlas
  17. Thyrocervical trunk
  18. Inferior thyroid artery
  19. Ascending cervical artery
  20. Transverse cervical artery
  21. Suprascapular artery
  22. Deep cervical artery
  23. Thoracic sympathetic trunk
  24. Stellate ganglion
  25. Vertebral cervical sympathetic ganglion
  26. Middle cervical sympathetic trunk ganglion
  27. Superior cervical sympathetic trunk ganglion
  28. Internal carotid artery
  29. Internal carotid nerve and plexus
  30. Ansa subclavia
  31. Danger space
  32. Retropharyngeal space

Vertebral Triangle - Contents and Relationships


  • Superior: Transverse process of C6 (carotid tubercle)
  • Inferior: Inferior border of subclavian artery
  • Medial: Longus colli
  • Lateral: Anterior scalene
  • Anterior: Prevertebral fascia
  • Posterior: Paravertebral musculature


  • Vertebral artery
  • Thyrocervical trunk
  • Inferior thyroid artery
  • suprascapular artery
  • Transverse cervical artery
  • Ascending cervical artery
  • Costocervical trunk
  • Deep cervical artery
  • Internal thoracic artery
  • Thoracic duct (left side)
  • Ventral rami of C5-T1
  • Cervical Sympathetic trunk
  • Ansa subclavia
  • Stellate ganglion
  • Vertebral ganglion
  • Middle cervical sympathetic trunk ganglion
  • Grey rami
  • Cardiac nerves
  • Phrenic nerve
  • Cervical parietal pleura
  • Suprapleural membrane (Sibson's fascia)


  • Carotid tubercle - anterior tubercle of C6
  • Carotid sheath
  • Vagus nerve
  • Common carotid artery
  • Internal jugular vein
  • First rib
  • Thoracic inlet
  • Trunks of brachial plexus
  • Brachiocephalic vein
  • Suprapleural membrane (Sibson's fascia)
  • Cupula of lung
  • Danger space (alar space)
  • Retropharyngeal space

-- WikiGuest - 01 Sep 2024
Topic revision: r3 - 08 Dec 2015, LorenEvey
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