Cervical Fasciae and Posterior Triangle - Learning Objectives and Review Questions


  1. The superficial cervical fascia, but not the prevertebral or the pretracheal fascia, envelops the strap muscles.
  2. The axillary artery, but not the subclavian vein passes through the interscalene triangle.
  3. The posterior scalene muscle is the posterior boundary of the interscalene triangle.
  4. The superficial cervical fascia has a superior attachment at the superior nuchal line.
  5. Posterior to the buccopharyngeal fascia and anterior to the alar layer of prevertebral fascia is the "danger" space.
  6. Immediately anterior to the alar layer of prevertebral fascia is the retropharyngeal space.
  7. The carotid sheath receives contributes from each of the named deep cervical fasciae.
  8. The vagus nerve, within the carotid sheath, lies anterior to the common carotid artery.
  9. The internal jugular vein, within the carotid sheath, lies lateral to the common carotid artery.
  10. The prevertebral fascia splits in either side of the manubrium and forms the suprasternal space.
  11. The superficial cervical fascia is deep cervical fascia.
  12. The long thoracic nerve typically pierces the posterior scalene muscle inferior to the dorsal scapular nerve.
  13. The most inferior attachment of the superficial cervical fascia at the vertebral spines is the to spine of the second thoracic vertebra.
  14. The tracheoesphageal groove is within the pretracheal fascia.
  15. The spinal accessory nerve enters the posterior triangle superior to the supraclavicular nerves.
  16. The phrenic nerve crosses the anterior scalene deep to pretracheal fascia.
  17. The inferior thyroid artery passes the posterior aspect of the carotid sheath.
  18. The suprascapular and transverse cervical arteries cross the anterior scalene superficial to the prevertebral fascia.
  19. The axillary sheath is a diverticulum of the prevertebral fascia.
  20. The external jugular vein is formed by the confluence of the retromandibular vein and the facial vein.
  21. The maxillary vein, by way of the pterygoid venous plexus, communicates with the cavernous sinus.
  22. Veins of the orbit provide communication between the region of the face and the cavernous sinus.
  23. The facial vein and its tributaries are considered to be valveless.
  24. The interval between the heads of origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle provides a surface landmark for accessing the subclavian artery.
  25. Infection within the pretracheal space may spread to the superior mediastinum.
  26. Infection within the retropharyngeal space may spread to the posterior mediastinum.
  27. Infection within the "danger" space may spread throughout the abdominopelvic cavity.
  28. An intraoral object (toothbrush or pencil) that penetrates the "throat" might sever the internal carotid artery, introduce infection into the retropharyngeal space, and introduce infection into the "danger" space.


Cervical Fasciae

  1. Discuss the cervical fasciae. Include relationships, fascial specializations, spaces and spread of infection within these spaces.

Posterior Triangle

  1. Discuss the posterior triangle. Include relationships, fascial specializations, spaces, innervation, lymphatics, boundaries, and movements.

Short Answer

Cervical Fasciae

  1. Danger area (prevertebral space)
  2. Retropharyngeal space
  3. Pretrachael space

Posterior Triangle

  1. Interscalene triangle
  2. Middle scalene
  3. Anterior scalene
-- WikiGuest - 05 Mar 2025
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Sep 2013, UnknownUser
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