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Clinical Correlate on Cardiothoracic Surgery, Sanjay M. Mehta, MD

Questions for the Clinical Correlate on Cardiothoracic Surgery, Sanjay M. Mehta, MD

These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.


  1. An aneurysm of the aortic arch may lead to hoarseness.
  2. Retrograde blood flow in the coronary sinus is used to perfuse the heart. Thus, the great, middle, and small coronary veins are valveless.
  3. Redirecting the internal thoracic arteries for coronary bypass leads to retrograde blood flow in the anterior intercostal arteries.
  4. The anterior and posterior papillary muscles of the mitral valve pull the leaflets closed. - FALSE
  5. The tertiary bronchus begins at the carina.
  6. A lesion of the gray ramus for the 10th spinal nerve is expected to reduce sweating along the corresponding dermatome including the paraumbilical region.

Definition and Short Answer

  1. First question.


  1. Discuss the superior mediastinum. Include speculation of symptoms that may be observed due to compression of the superior mediastinum by an aneurysm of the aortic arch.





-- WikiGuest - 06 Oct 2024

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