Abdominal Wall

Questions for the Abdominal Wall

These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.

True/False - August 23, 2011 (selection limited by earthquake)

  1. The paraumbilical veins communicate with lateral thoracic vein and, thus, contribute to a portacaval shunt.
  2. The superficial epigastric vein has a communicating branch to the lateral thoracic vein known as the thoracoepigastric vein.
  3. Scarpa's fascia extends are far inferior as the thigh.
  4. The thoracoepigastic vein resides deep to Scarpa's fascia but superficial to deep fascia.
  5. The umbilicus A/P projection is to the T10 vertebra and the cutaneous innervation is by the L3 spinal nerve.
  6. The transversus abdominis muscle contributes to the same fascial plane as the innermost intercostal muscles.
  7. The arcuate line is a feature of the anterior lamina of the rectus sheath that occurs 3/4 of the way inferior along the sheath.
  8. The aponeurosis of the internal oblique, inferior to the arcuate line, has two lamina that contribute to the anterior and posterior walls of the rectus sheath.
  9. The internal oblique takes origin, in part, from the lateral 2/3 of the linea alba.
  10. The transversus abdominis takes origin, in part, from the later 1/3 of the linea alba.
  11. The inferior epigastric artery enters the rectus sheath at a location inferior to the arcuate line.
  12. Stability of the vertebral column is enhanced by well toned abdominal oblique muscles due to increased intraabdominal pressure.
  13. The transversalis fascia lines the internal surface of the transversus abdominis muscle and is limited by the attachments of transversus abdominis.
  14. The rectus abdominis, inferior to the arcuate line, rests directly on transversalis fascia.
  15. The superficial epigastric artery is a branch of the femoral artery.


August 24, 2010
  1. The anterior abdominal wall is divided into a 3X3 matrix.
  2. The external oblique muscle defines the same fascial plane as does the innermost intercostal muscles.
  3. The transversus abdominis muscle defines the same fascial plane as does the external intercostal muscles.
  4. The rectus abdominis muscle is within the rectus sheath.
  5. The umbilicus includes the T10 dermatome and has a vertebral projection to the L3 vertebra.
  6. There is a membranous layer of tela subcutanea, inferior to the level of the umbilicus, called Scarpa's fascia.
  7. Scarpa's fascia extends to the anterior thigh.
  8. The fascia lata of the anterior thigh has its superior extent at the inguinal ligament.
  9. The paraumbilical veins normally drain into the portal vein.
  10. The lateral thoracic vein has connections with the paraumbilical veins.
  11. The thoracoepigastric vein provides communicating veins between the superficial epigastric vein and the lateral thoracic vein.
  12. The superficial epigastric vein lies deep to Scarpa's fascia.
  13. The T7 dermatome includes the region of the xiphoid process
  14. The L1 dermatome includes the region of the pubic crest.
  15. The arcuate line is a defect in the anterior lamina of the rectus sheath.
  16. Inferior to the arcuate line the rectus abdominis is separated from the peritoneal cavity by transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal connective tissue, and parietal peritoneum.
  17. The external oblique has attachments to the lower 8 ribs, iliac crest, and pubic tubercle.
  18. The internal oblique is attached to the medial 2/3s of the inguinal ligament.
  19. The transversus abdominis muscle has attachments to the medial 1/3 of the inguinal ligament.
  20. The transversalis fascia defines the abdominal cavity.
  21. The peritoneum defines the peritoneal cavity.
  22. Retroperitoneal structures, by definition, may have a peritonealized surface; but this surface does not disqualify the organ of being retroperitoneal.
  23. Structures having 2/3 or more of their surface covered by visceral peritoneum are said to be intraperitoneal but they are not in the peritoneal cavity.
  24. The xiphisternal junction projects to the T9/10 vertebra and includes the T8 dermatome.
  25. The umbilicus projects to the L4 vertebra and includes the T10 dermatome.
August 2009
  1. The arcuate line is located at the level of the umbilicus.
  2. The umbilicus projects to vertebral level L4 but receives cutaneous innervation from spinal level T10.
  3. Immediately posterior to the rectus abdominis muscle, at a location inferior the to arcuate line, is the transversalis fascia.
  4. Immediately posterior to the rectus abdominis muscle, at a location superior to the arcuate, is the posterior lamina of the rectus sheath.
  5. The superior boundary of Scarpa's fascia is at the level of the umbilicus.
  6. Scarpa's fascia extends onto the thigh.
  7. A penetrating wound through the lateral aspect of rectus sheath and inferior to the umbilicus will compromise Scarpa's fascia.
  8. Caput medusae happens when the paraumbilical veins reverse blood flow and dilate as a consequence of portal hypertension.
  9. The linea semilunaris outlines the lateral margin of the rectus sheath..
  10. Tendinous intersections interrupt the rectus abdominis muscle.
  11. Tendinous intersections are not connected to the rectus sheath.
  12. A penetrating wound inferior to the xiphoid process and superior to the umbilicus will compromise the potential space defined by the boundaries of Scarpa's fascia.
  13. The superior epigastric artery has an anastomosis with the superficial epigastric artery within the rectus abdominis muscle.
  14. The thoracoepigastric vein travels with the artery of the same name.
  15. Inferior to the arcuate line the fibers of the transversus abdominis and fibers from the posterior lamina of the internal oblique turn anterior at the linea semilunaris.
  16. The tela subcutanea of the anterior wall superior to the umbilicus is know as Camper's fascia.
  17. The abdominopelvic cavity is lined by transversalis fascia.
  18. The costal margin projects to L3 where as the umbilicus and the iliac crest project to L4.
  19. Caput Medusae may lead to distension of the superficial circumflex iliac vein.

Definition and Short Answer

  1. First question.


  1. First question.





-- WikiGuest - 05 Mar 2025

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