internal package Foswiki::Store::Interfaces::SearchAlgorithm

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internal package Foswiki::Store::Interfaces::SearchAlgorithm is a Foswiki::Store::Interfaces::QueryAlgorithm

DEPRECATED - all SearchAlgorithm and QueryAlgorithm use the same calling convention.

Interface to search algorithms. Implementations of this interface are found in Foswiki/Store/SearchAlgorithms.

StaticMethod query( $query, $webs, $inputTopicSet, $session, $options ) → $infoCache

  • $query - A Foswiki::Search::Node object. The tokens() method of this object returns the list of search tokens.
  • $web - name of the web being searched, or may be an array reference to a set of webs to search
  • $inputTopicSet - iterator over names of topics in that web to search
  • $session - reference to the store object
  • $options - hash of requested options
This is the top-level interface to a search algorithm.

Return a Foswiki::Search::ResultSet.

Topic revision: r1 - 04 Jul 2015, UnknownUser

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