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Applied Anatomy: Posture and Gait, Jeff C. Conforti, DPT

Questions for the Applied Anatomy of Posture and Gait, Jeff C. Conforti, DPT

These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.


  1. The line of gravity, when standing passes anterior to the hip joint, posterior to the knee joint, and anterior to the ankle joint.
  2. The hamstrings decelerate the ending of the swing phase.
  3. The gastrocnemius have a role in flexing the knee during the gate cycle.
  4. Anterior compartment syndrome of the leg weakens planter flexion.
  5. Compression of the common peroneal nerve at the fibular neck is expected to cause foot drop.
  6. Mobility comes at the expense of mobility.

Definition and Short Answer

  1. First question.


  1. First question.





-- LorenEvey - 25 Aug 2009

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Topic revision: 24 Aug 2010, UnknownUser
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