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Radiology of the Lower Limb, Susann E. Schetter, DO

Questions for the Radiology of the Lower Limb, Susann E. Schetter, DO

These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.


August 19. 2010
  1. The base of the first two metatarsals articulate with the navicular bone.
  2. Bony trabeculations reflect the particular stresses placed upon a bone.
  3. The profunda femoral artery, within the femoral triangle, lies lateral to the femoral artery.
  4. The transverse genicular ligament attaches the posterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci.
  5. The medial meniscus is "C" shaped whereas the lateral meniscus is "O" shaped.
  6. The medial femoral condyle is larger than the lateral femoral condyle.
  7. The transverse genicular ligament crosses the anterior surface of the anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior surface of the alar synovial fold.
  8. The head of the talus articulates with the posterior surface of the navicular bone and the anterior surface of the calcaneus bone.
  9. The most anterior chamber of the heart is the right atrium.
  10. The left atrium is the most posterior and superior chamber of the heart.
  11. The main pulmonary artery is inferior to the aortic arch.
  12. The costophrenic angles, in part, define the costodiaphragmatic recess.
  13. The inferior margin of the left ventricle is opposed to the diaphragm.
  14. The carina is at the level of the T4 vertebra.
  15. The right pulmonary artery is longer than the left owing to the position of the heart to the left side.
  16. The left hilum of the lung is superior to the right hilum owing to the position of the heart to the left inferior side.
  17. The left and right common carotid arteries are branches of the left and right brachiocephalic arteries respectively.
  18. The arch of the azygos vein cradles the superior surface of the left main bronchus.
  19. The bifurcation of the trachea lies on the anterior surface of the esophagus.
  20. The left brachiocephalic vein crosses the anterior margin of the left common carotid artery and the anterior surface of the brachiocephalic artery.
  21. The left pulmonary artery cradles the superior surface of the right main bronchus.
  22. The pulmonary trunk is anterior to the aortic root.

August, 2009
  1. The talus articulates with the calcaneous at the subtalar joint and at the talocalcaneonavicular joint.
  2. Trabeculae line up along direction of stress.
  3. The external pudendal artery, but not the external pudendal vein, passes though the saphenous openning.
  4. The superficial femoral artery enters the adductor canal along with the superficial femoral vein. (not to be asked on your examination)
  5. The posterior lateral genicular crosses the lateral part of the leg deep to the tendon of insertion of the biceps femoris.
  6. The first branch of the anterior tibial artery is apt to be the anterior recurrent tibial artery.
  7. The anterior tibial artery enters the anterior compartment after crossing the lateral surface of the neck of the fibula.
  8. The genicular anastomosis mediates the flow of blood across the knee in the case of popliteal artery occlusion.
  9. The transverse genicular ligament is extrasynovial and extracapsular.
  10. The menisci mediate shock absorption and stability.
  11. The anterior cruciate ligament crosses to the posterior surface of the posterior cruciate ligament.
  12. The posterior cruciate ligament attaches proximally to the medial femoral condyle.
  13. The anterior cruciate ligament attaches proximally to the medial side of the lateral femoral condyle within the intercondylar space.
  14. The quadriceps insert onto the tibial tuberosity (multiple interpretations).
  15. The coronary ligaments secure the menisci to the femoral condyles.

Definition and Short Answer

  1. First question


  1. First question





-- LorenEvey - 20 Aug 2009

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