Current Time: Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 11:06:14 EDT
Modified: Tuesday, 11-Oct-2005 22:19:20 EDT
General Review Questions for the Head and Neck
The College of Medicine at The Pennsylvania State University
This page has been visited 5133 times since August 2, 2011.
Recommended Resources: Hollinshead and Rosse, lecture
notes, and laboratory observation
Disscus possible routes of infection into the cavernous sinus from each
of the following locations. As always, include key relations for each anatomical
pathway. (30 pts)
face near the lateral aspect of the upper lip
lower border of mandible near the angle
scalp (What fascial boundaries are compromised?)
ischiorectal fossa (this is not a typographical error)
frontal sinus (air sinus)
sphenoid sinus (air sinus)
maxillary sinus
mastoid air cells
ethmoid air cells
buccopharyngeal fascia
prostate (this is not a typographical error)
One of the most commonly fractured bones in males is the body of the left
mandible. What neurovasuclar structures are vulnerable? Discuss the entire
course of these structures from origin to terminal distribution.
Discuss the cutaneous innervation of the nose. Include the specific nerves
involved and the anatomic pathways followed by these nerves from their
origin. (15 pts.)
The galea aponeurotica and the rest of the occipitofrontalis muscle define
a potential space. Lacerations of the scalp can introduce infection into
this space. From this space, emissary veins can transmit infectious material
to an intracranial location. What are the boundaries of the potential space
of the scalp known as the the loose areolar space? How deep must a scalp
laceration penetrate before concerns of intracranial infection are primary?
Section of which facial muscle exposes the infraorbital n.?
Several attendees mentioned that they could anesthetize both the maxillary
nerve and the mandibular nerve from injections into the infratemporal fossa.
Thus, a few persons incorrrectly concluded that the maxillary nerve traversed
foramen ovale. Eplain maxillary nerve anesthesia following infratemporal
fossa injections? Hint. Mandibular nerve blocks are done by passing a needle
through the mandibular notch and stopping the needle at the lateral pterygoid
plate. The needle is then "walked" to the posterior free edge of the lateral
pteryoid plate. At this location, the needle is at the opening of the foramen
ovale. Injection here anesthetizes the mandibular nerve. If, instead of
walking the needle posterior, the needle is angled anterior, the maxillary
nerve is apt to be anesthetized. This is a strong hint.
How would you determine whether a facial nerve lesion is distal to the
stylomastiod foramen, within a specific part of the facial canal, or at
the internal acoustic meatus? Suggest clinical procedures to test the functional
components of the facial nerve.
Explain the symptoms of Horner's syndrome? What structure within the middle
cranial fossa may be damaged if the symptoms are limited to the region
of the orbit? (4 pts)
A patient has paralysis of the muscles of facial expression. There are
salavitory deficits on the same side as the paralysis. Tearing of the eyes
is normal. What is the location of neural damage that could cause this
condition? What additional tests (observations) would you do to confirm
the location? Support your answer. (8 pts)
A patient has an infection on the lateral side of the nose. There is loss
of lateral gaze (inability to abduct the eye) on the same side. Discuss
the relevant spread of infection. What structures are vulernable to injury?
An early procedure to limit spread of a facial infection into the cavernous
sinus was to ligate (suture closed) facial vein communications into the
orbit (e.g. supratrochlear, supraorbital, and other veins entering the
orbit from the face). Unfortunately, this procedure is not entirely effective.
Suggest an additional venous ligation and explain.
Horner's Syndrome refers to symptoms that result from a disruption of sympathetic
innervation to the head. Briefly discuss the anatomy pertaining to each
of the following symptoms..
Mild ptosis (drooping) of the upper eye lid
Constricted pupil
"red eye" (conjunctival injection)
Nasal congestion and "runny" nose
Flushing (redness and warmth) and dryness of the facial skin
Discuss the relations (six directions) of the sphenoid sinus. Include mention
of structures at risk during surgery involving the sphenoid sinus.
How would you determine whether a facial nerve lesion is distal to the
stylomastiod foramen, within a specific part of the facial canal, or at
the internal acoustic meatus? Use your knowledge of facial nerve anatomy
and functional components. Suggest procedures to exhaustively test the
functions of each branch of the facial nerve.
Discuss the boundaries (6 directions), contents, and relations of the cavernous
sinus. In the event of infection, discuss the cascade of symptoms from
early onset to death.
Discuss the relations of the anterior scalene. Your discussion would benefit
from inclusion of at least 7 arteries, 5 nerve roots, 1 celetrated nerve
having contributions from roots of both the cervical and the brachial plexuses
(doesn't this take your breath away), 1 bony landmark associated with carotid
compression, a noted component of the sympathetic nervous system, glandular
tissue often targeted by surgeons, and a bevy of additional relations.
This is a fun one.
Discuss the relations of the posterior belly of the digastric. Your discussion
would benefit from inclusion of at least 5 arteries, 3 cranial nn medial,
1 cranial n. lateral, a bony landmark used by surgeons and anesthesiologists,
a moveable bone involved in swallowing, and a few few more structures to
take you from 8 to 10 points.
Discuss the relations of the hyoglossus. Your discussion would benefit
from inclusion of two nerves on the lateral side and a cranial nerve on
the medial side. Naturally, a few arteries are in the area. What about
the pterygomandibular raphe? Wait, there is more.
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine
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