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Written Exam Format

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Posted by lae2 on September 18, 2014 at 13:54:08:

Dearest Graduate Students.

You written exam is nearly ready to go. Maybe word changes here or there if even that. The point break down is as follows.

Figure IDs = 12 pts
True/False = 10 pts
"short" essay = 30 pts (5 questions)
Essay = 48 pts (4 questions)

The essay questions are not based on multiple choice as they were in 2012. They are essentially ask, "discuss the anatomy of a region."

The point assignment is nearly balanced between lower limb and thorax. There is a bias toward lower limb. You may want 5 hours to complete the examination.

There appears to be some angst over the Radiology and Clinical correlate lectures. As discussed earlier, these lectures were intended to augment the core anatomy that you have been learning all along. To my knowledge, your examination does not specifically require knowledge only made available to you during these lectures. Nevertheless, these lectures biased the exam content. I already told you that meralgia paraesthetica would be on the exam. The question states lateral femoral nerve entrapment as part of the opening.

There are no radiographs on your written examination. There will be four radiograph questions on your laboratory examination. The radiology and clinical correlate lectures reinforced our knowledge of basic anatomy. There may be radiographs on future written examinations, but not this one. Tell me what you want. Lae2

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