Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 18:48:18 EDT

Re: Lecture 64: Interior of Skull, Bony Cranial Fossa, Dural Sinuses - True False

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Posted by lae2 on December 09, 2021 at 19:43:08:

In Reply to: Re: Lecture 64: Interior of Skull, Bony Cranial Fossa, Dural Sinuses - True False posted by Alexis on December 09, 2021 at 13:15:45:

: Lecture 64
: 1. The coronal suture and the sagittal suture meet at bregma.

: - true. Correct.

: 2. Arachnoid granulations reside within bony topographies called the granular foveolae.

: - true. Correct.

: 3. Separating the anterior cranial fossa from the middle cranial fossa is the anterior ridge of the chiasmatic groove.

: - true. Correct.

: 4. The tuberculum sellae extends anterior and superior to end at the posterior ridge of the chiasmatic groove.

: - true. Correct.

: 5. The posterior openings of the optic canals face into the middle cranial fossa.

: - true. Correct.

: 6. The superior petrosal ridge separated the middle cranial fossa from the posterior cranial fossa.

: - true. Correct.

: 7. The frontal and parietal emissary veins drain the region of the frontal air sinus and the scalp into the superior sagittal sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 8. The inferior petrosal sinus drains from the cavernous sinus directly into the internal jugular vein.

: - true. Correct.

: 9. The mastoid emissary vein connects intracranial venous drainage with the external vertebral venous plexus.

: - true. Correct.

: 10. The most anterior extent of the superior sagittal sinus may connect to the nasal cavity by way of the foramen cecum.

: - true. Correct.

: 11. At the posterior extent of the tentorial notch is the meeting of the straight sinus with the inferior sagittal sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 12. The superior petrosal sinus connects the cavernous sinus with the transverse sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 13. The superior and inferior ophthalmic veins connect orbit with the cavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 14. An emissary vein through the cartilage of the lacerate foramen connects the cavernous sinus to the pterygoid venous plexus.

: - true. Correct.

: 15. The inferior petrosal sinus connects the cavernous to the basilar venous plexus and then to the internal anterior vertebral venous plexus.

: - true. Correct.

: 16. The sphenoparietal sinus connects the cavernous sinus to the region of the pterion.

: - true. Correct.

: 17. The anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses connect one cavernous sinus to the other cavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 18. The occipital sinus connects the confluence of the sinuses with the internal posterior vertebral venous plexus.

: - true. Correct.

: 19. The marginal sinus surrounds the margin of the foramen magnum.

: - true. Correct.

: 20. The right transverse sinus tends to have a larger diameter than the left transverse sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 21. The diaphragma sellae forms a dural shelf superior to the hypophyseal fossa and contains the intercavernous sinuses.

: - true. Correct.

: 22. The greater superficial petrosal nerve, but not the lesser superficial petrosal nerve, extends into the lacerate foramen.

: - true. Correct.

: 23. The facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and hypoglossal nerves all leave the posterior cranial fossa to become extracranial.

: - true. Correct.
: - is VIII technically extracranial?? Yes. Within the temporal bone is not considered intracranial. Wall of the vault.

: 24. The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is located in the anterior cranial fossa.

: - true. Correct.

: 25. The clivus is part of the sphenoid bone.

: - false ⇒ occipital bone. Correct.

: 26. The cavernous sinus has immediate drainages into the superior petrosal sinus, inferior petrosal sinus, basilar venous plexus, sphenoparietal sinus, ophthalmic vein, pterygoid venous plexus, and the intercavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 27. The straight sinus drains directly into the confluence of sinuses.

: - true. Correct.

: 28. The basilar venous plexus is continuous with the internal posterior vertebral venous plexus.

: - false ⇒ internal anterior vertebral venous plexus. Correct.

: 29. The lacus lacrimalis is in the same region as the lacrimal puncta.

: - true. Correct.

: 30. The great vein of Galen combines with the inferior sagittal sinus to form the straight sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 31. The emissary veins connect extracranial venous drainages with intracranial venous drainages.

: - true. Correct.

: 32. Ligation of the internal jugular veins at the base of the skull does not block intracranial venous drainage.

: - false ⇒ it would block it but not completely. Correct. Not even nearly completely. All the routes for spread of infection.

: 33. The inferior sagittal sinus is within the inferior margin of the tentorium cerebelli

: - false ⇒ falx cerebri. Correct.

: 34. The foramen cecum, when patent, provides a venous communication between the superior sagittal sinus and the nasal cavity.

: - true. Correct.

: 35. The anterior free margin of the tentorium cerebelli forms the tentorial notch or incisura.

: - true. Correct.

: 36. The superior petrosal sinus passes superior to the trigeminal nerve.

: - true. Correct.

: 37. The repeating cascade of symptoms of cavernous sinus infection reflects, in part, spread of infection through the intercavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 38. The intercavernous sinus surrounds the pituitary stalk.

: - true. Correct.

: 39. The anterior lip of the chiasmatic groove defines, in part, the boundary between the middle and inferior cranial fossae.

: - false ⇒ anterior and middle. Correct.

: 40. The tuberculum sellae extends from the hypophyseal fossa to the posterior lip of the chiasmatic groove.

: - true. Correct.

: 41. The clivus extends from the foramen magnum to the inferior margin of the dorsum sellae.

: - true. Correct.

: 42. The lateral walls of the hypophyseal fossa are formed by the medial walls of the cavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 43. The occipital sinus is directly continuous with the anterior internal vertebral venous plexus.

: - false ⇒ posterior internal. Correct.

: 44. The basilar venous plexus directly connects with the anterior internal vertebral venous plexus.

: - true. Correct.

: 45. The superior orbital fissure marks the anterior boundary of the cavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

: 46. Structures that pass through the superior orbital fissure become a content of the cavernous sinus.

: - true. Correct.

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