Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 18:25:43 EDT

Re: Lecture 69: Pterygopalatine Fossa, Ganglion, and Maxillary Nerve Distribution - True False

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Posted by Alexis on December 09, 2021 at 13:28:11:

In Reply to: Lecture 69: Pterygopalatine Fossa, Ganglion, and Maxillary Nerve Distribution - True False posted by lae2 on December 05, 2021 at 15:14:11:

Lecture 69: Pterygopalatine Fossa, Ganglion, and Maxillary Nerve Distribution - True False Answers
1. The pharyngeal plexus derived from the vagus nerve supplies SVE fibers to the middle constrictor whereas the pharyngeal plexus derived from the glossopharyngeal nerve provides GVA fibers to pharyngeal mucosa lining the middle constrictor.

- true

2. All three of the constrictor muscles receive motor innervation as SVE from the vagus whereas the mucosa on their internal surfaces have GSA for nasopharynx, GVA glossopharyngeal for oropharynx, and GVA vagus for hypopharynx.

- true

3. Referred pain from laryngeal or pharyngeal cancers may occur at the external auditory meatus. This reflects the activities of the great auricular nerve and of the lesser occipital nerve.

- false ⇒ referred pain to back of head and oral cavity

4. The tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve passes through the mastoid canaliculus.

- false ⇒ goes through inferior tympanic canaliculus

5. The zygomaticotemporal nerve leaves the lateral wall of the orbit superior to the exit of the zygomaticofacial nerve.

- true

6. The SVA component of the greater superficial petrosal nerve distributes along all the branches of the maxillary nerve that occur within the pterygopalatine fossa.

- true

7. Parasympathetic postganglionic fibers, but not postganglionic sympathetic fibers, distribute with the lateral posterior nasal nerves to the turbinates.

- true

8. The recurrent tympanic nerve, a branch of the chorda tympani, enters the tympanic cavity to provide SVE innervation to salpingopharyngeus.

- false ⇒ recurrent tympanic nerve is branch of glossopharyngeal

9. The superior alveolar processes receive GSA innervation by the superior posterior, middle, and anterior alveolar branches of the maxillary and infraorbital nerves.

- true

10. The mucosa of the maxillary sinus receives postganglionic fibers having cell bodies in the ciliary ganglion.

- false ⇒ ciliary ganglion is only in the eye, mucosa of maxillary sinus is from pterygopalatine ganglion

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