Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 18:51:09 EDT

Re: Lecture 68: Functional Components Cranial Nerves - True False

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Posted by Alexis on December 08, 2021 at 22:31:58:

In Reply to: Lecture 68: Functional Components Cranial Nerves - True False posted by lae2 on December 05, 2021 at 15:08:08:

Cranial Nerve Functional Components
1. The olfactory nerve fascicles pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to enter the nasal cavity from the anterior cranial fossa.

- true

2. A fracture of the cribriform plate may cause a CSF leak.

- true

3. The olfactory nerve has native SVA and GVE components.

- false ⇒ only SVA

4. A hypophyseal tumor is expected to disrupt central vision.

- false ⇒ peripheral vision disruption

5. The chiasmatic groove is posterior to the hypophyseal fossa.

- false ⇒ anterior

6. The afferent limb of the pupillary light reflex is mediated by the SSA component of the oculomotor nerve.

- false ⇒ not SSA

7. A lesion of the proximal superior division of the oculomotor nerve is expected to disrupt GSE and GVE components.

- false ⇒ superior division doesn't do GVE

8. Preganglionic GVE cell bodies from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus synapse in the submandibular ganglion.

- false ⇒ ciliary ganglion

9. The short ciliary nerves host native GSA fibers non-native preganglionic GVE fibers.

- false ⇒ opposite of what it says

10. Postganglionic GVE fibers having cell bodies in the ciliary ganglion mediate accommodation as well as pupillary dilation.

- false ⇒ pupillary constriction not dilation

11. A lesion of the greater superficial petrosal nerve at the lacerate foramen disrupts preganglionic GVE fibers that influence lacrimation.

- true

12. The short ciliary nerves host non-native postganglionic fibers from both divisions of the autonomic nervous system.

- true

13. A lesion of the internal carotid nerve is expected to disrupt preganglionic sympathetic GVE fibers and cause unilateral mydriasis.

- false ⇒ postganglionic and you'd have miosis

14. A cavernous sinus infection is expected to cause unilateral pupil dilation given that the sympathetic root of the ciliary ganglion remains healthy.

- we aren't sure

15. A mild ptosis in a young person may be caused by a GVE disturbance whereas a frank ptosis is caused by GSE disturbance.

- false ⇒ SVE for frank ptosis??

16. Sneezing while looking at bright light is thought to be, in part, mediated by the GSA component of the trigeminal nerve.

- can you explain the pathway of this reflex??

17. The infraorbital nerve, while in the infraorbital canal, carries non-native postganglionic GVE fibers en route to the lacrimal gland.

- false ⇒ lacrimal nerve

18. The lacrimal nerve proper is GSA only and does not mediate lacrimation.

- true

19. Traveling along with the distal parts of the lacrimal nerve are postganglonic GVE fibers whose cell bodies are located in the pterygopalatine ganglion.

- true

20. The extraocular muscles, with the exception of the superior oblique, are innervated by SVE fibers.

- false => extraocular muscles are GSE & GVE

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