Posted by Alexis on December 08, 2021 at 22:30:05:
In Reply to: Lecture 59: Anterior Triangle - True False posted by lae2 on December 05, 2021 at 13:45:55:
Anterior Triangle Answers
1. The ansa cervicalis is part of a somatic plexus whereas the ansa subclavia is part of an autonomic trunk.
- true
2. The dorsal scapular nerve passes through the interscalene triangle.
- false ⇒ piercing middle scalene so no
3. The phrenic nerve is anterior to the prevertebral fascia and posterior to the suprascapular artery.
- false ⇒ post. to prevertebral fascia
4. The dorsal scapular nerve generally pierces the middle scalene and the long thoracic nerve pierces the posterior scalene.
- false ⇒ does not pierce
5. The nerve to thyrohyoid travels, in part, with the hypoglossal nerve.
- true
6. The nerve to genioglossus travels, in part, with the lingual nerve.
- false ⇒ no nerve to genioglossus
7. The nerve to mylohyoid passes along the inferior surface of the mylohyoid between it and anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
- true
8. The lingual nerve passes the medial border of the hyoglossus muscle whereas the lingual artery passes lateral to the hyoglossus muscle.
- false ⇒ nerve is superficial, artery is deep
9. The glossopharyngeal nerve and the lingual artery each cross the lateral surface or the hyoglossus.
- false
10. The internal laryngeal nerve passes through the thyrohyoid membrane with the superior laryngeal artery.
- true
11. The internal laryngeal nerve is sensory (SVA GVA) only whereas the external laryngeal nerve is motor (SVE) only.
- false ⇒ internal is only GVA
12. The vertebral artery generally first enters the transverse foramen of C7 whereas the vertebral vein first enters the transverse foramen of C6.
- false ⇒ opposite
13. Hypertrophy of the scalene muscles may cause weakness in the upper extremity.
- true
14. The omohyoid fascia is a specialization of prevertebral fascia.
- false ⇒ superficial cervical (if it exists??)
15. The ansa cervicalis innervates the anterior, but not the posterior belly of the omohyoid.
- false ⇒ innervates both
16. The nerve to mylohyoid innervates the posterior belly of the digastric but not the anterior belly.
- false ⇒ anterior belly
17. The facial artery elaborates the submental artery.
- true
18. The hypoglossal nerve hosts non-native fibers derived from the brachial plexus.
- false ⇒ cervical plexus
19. The hypoglossal nerve passes immediately superior to the greater horn of the hyoid bone.
- true
20. The cricothyroideus muscle, when fully contracted, lowers the pitch of the voice.
- false ⇒ raises pitch