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Development and Anatomy questions

This page has been visited 2760 times since September 5, 2012.

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Posted by Dr. Lazarus on September 05, 2012 at 09:30:26:

Descent of Testes Questions:
1. What are the male and female genetalia equivalents during development and within the adult?
2. Describe the coverings of the spermatic cord. How did descent of the testes lead to each of these coverings?
3. Testicular cancer differs greatly from scrotal cancer. Describe the lymphatic drainage of the testicular and of the scrotum and describe the embryonic events that lead to these lymphatic drainage pathways
Gut Rotation Questions:
1. The vermiform appendix is most often located in the lower right quadrant of the abdominal cavity. However, the appendix may be located at multiple locations. Describe these variable locations and how embryological development would lead to these alternatives.
2. Describe the anatomical location of the pancreas to the duodenum. Discuss how this adult relationship was derived during embryonic development
3. Describe the borders of the omental bursa/lesser sac. Describe the embryological relationships that lead to the development of the omental bursa/lesser sac.
4. Describe the ligaments and contents of the foregut. Identify the embryonic origins of these ligaments and describe the development events that lead to their adult locations
Describe the relationship of the duodenum to the portal vein in the adult and relay the developmental steps that lead to this adult relationship
1. 4th pharyngeal arch arteries gives rise to the Left Subclavian
2. The right vitelline veins become hepatic sinusoids
3. The IVC is formed by anterior cardinal, posterior cardinal, and superior cardinal

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