Laboratory Identifications and Relations - Gastrointestinal Tract and Related
Structural Basis of Medical Practice -- Gross Anatomy
The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Note: This guide is not exhaustive. The relations are incomplete.
The intent is to highlight observation through dissection.
Cardiac notch - angle between gastroesophageal junction and fundus, immediately
distal to phrenoesophageal sphincter
Phrenoesophageal sphincter - functional sphincter involving fibers of the
right crus of diaphragm at esophageal hiatus
Fundus of stomach - attached to spleen by the gastroleino ligament, receives
short gastric aa by this same ligament
Rugae - longitudinal ridges of mucous membrane following lesser curvature
Antrum - along lesser curvature leading toward pyloric sphincter
Pyloric sphincter - opening into duodenal cap
Anterior wall of stomach - posterior and inferior to left lobe of liver
Posterior wall of stomach - anterior to lesser sac, faces toward pancreas,
splenic a., diaphragm, kidney
Hepaticgastric ligament - attaching from ligamentum venosum to lesser curvature,
notice autonomic fibers (e.g., hepatic branch vagus)
Hepatoduodenal ligament - conveying the "triad" to the portahepatis, attaching
duodenal cap to portahepatis
Gastrocolic ligament - part of greater omentum attaching greater curvature
to transverse colon, anterior border of lesser sac
Gastroleino ligament - attaching fundus of stomach, short gastric aa.
Ligamentum teres of liver - in cleft between quadrate lobe and left lobe,
extends into falciform ligament
Ligamentum venosum - in sulcus between caudate lobe and left lobe, attachment
of hepatogastric ligament
Coronary ligament - continuous with falciform ligament and lessor omentum,
anterior and posterior lamina diverge to leave a "bare" area
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice