Answer Guide to Written Examination Part III (Essay) 1999 - Lower Limb and Thorax

Structural Basis of Medical Practice -- Human Gross Anatomy, Radiology, and Embryology

The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

This site has been accessed times since September 5th, 1999

Note:  This guide indicates key points to address in answering the questions. These are not the "answers."

1. Review the boundaries (6 in number) and contents (vasculature, nerves, lymphatics) of the femoral triangle.  State the relationship of structures entering and leaving this region. (12 pts)

  1. superior boundary: Inguinal ligament spanning the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle (including a figure would help)
  2. lateral boundary: sartious
  3. medial boundary: adductor longus
  4. inferior boundary: adductor canal at the apex
  5. posterior boundary: iliopsoas, pectineus, and possibly parts of adductor brevis and adductor longus
  6. anterior boundary: fascia lata and saphenous hiatus (show relations fig)
  7. further discussion

2.  Review the anatomy of the knee joint and include bones, articulations, ligaments, cavities and bursa, vasculature, muscles, and fascial specializations that contribute to the stability of the knee joint.  State when and why the knee joint is maximally stabilized. (15 pts)

  1. Bones and Articulations (x pts)
  2. ligaments (x pts)
  3. Cavities and bursae (x pts)
  4. Capsular joint cavity (x pts)
  5. Muscles, Movements and limitations of movement (x pts)
  6. Fascial Specializatons (x pts)
  7. vascular supply (x pts)
  8. Innervation (Hilton's Law) (x pts)
  9. "Screw Home" (x pts)

3.  A 35-yr old male arrives in the clinic with a nail that penetrates the sole of the foot and pierces the spring ligament.  Discuss the fascia, muscles, tendons, nerves (including cutaneous innervation), bones, and vasculature involved with such an injury.  (10 pts)

  1. Skin and plantar aponeurosis
  2. Medial plantar a. and v.
  3. Medial border of flexor digitorum brevis and lateral border of abductor hallucis
  4. Tendons of flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus
  5. Medial border of quadratus plantae
  6. Spring ligament
  7. Head of talus within floor of talocalcaneonavicular joint

4.  Discuss the anatomy of the right atrium.  Include mention of the conducting system and anatomical landmarks.  (8 pts)

  1. Quandrangular
  2. Tricuspid valve (AV Ostium)
  3. Crista terminalis - muscle
  4. Pectinate muscle
  5. Opening of IVC
  6. Opening of SVC
  7. Interatrial septum
  8. The sinoatrial node is a crescent shaped heart region about 8mm long and located at the superior aspect of the sulcus terminalis within the wall of the right atrium.  It is referred to as the pacemaker of the heart owing to its electrical characteristics and crucial role in timing of the cardiac cycle.  The SA node connects to the AV node by internodal tracts.
  9. vascular supply

5.  Describe the lymphatic drainage of the breast. (6 pts)

  1. Laterally, lymph drainage from the breast is into groups of axillary nodes.  Most of this drainage is into the pectoral nodes located along pectoral branches of the thoracoacromial vessels. Pectoral nodes drain into the apical nodes located near the apex of the axilla.  On the left, the axillary nodes give rise to the subclavian lymphatic trunk. This vessel commonly drains into the thoracic duct and then the angle of internal jugular.  The right subclavian duct often drains directly into the venous system.  Apical nodes also have drainages into cervical and supraclavicular nodes.  Metastatic disease in these nodes is especially difficult to remove.
  2. The medial aspect of the breast is drained by intercostal vessels into parasternal nodes.  Parasternal and paratrachial drainages combine to form the bronchomediastinal lymph trunks.  Drainage continues into the right lymphatic duct on the right and the thoracic duct on the left.
  3. The breast is also drained by subcutaneous vessels.  These vessels have a wide distribution ranging from the cervical region to the inguinal region and crossing the midline.  If the deeper lymph channels are blocked, as may be the case with cancer, subcutaneous drainage may greatly increase and widely disperse cancerous cells.
  4. axillary notes receive 75% of lymphatic drainage

  5. pectoral nodes - lateral border of pectoralis major
    apical nodes - beneath the clavicle
    parasternal nodes
    along the internal thoracic artery
    subcutaneous lymphatics
    distribute to wide area if deep lymphatics are blocked (e.g. cancer)
    left/right differences
    right side into right (subclavian) lymph duct
    left side into thoracic duct and left subclavian v.
  6. Summary

  7. Laterally, lymph drainage from the breast is into groups of axillary nodes.  Most of this drainage is into the pectoral nodes located along pectoral branches of the thoracoacromial vessels. Pectoral nodes drain into the apical nodes located near the apex of the axilla.  On the left, the axillary nodes give rise to the subclavian lymphatic trunk. This vessel commonly drains into the thoracic duct and then the angle of internal jugular.  The right subclavian duct often drains directly into the venous system.  Apical nodes also have drainages into cervical and supraclavicular nodes.  Metastatic disease in these nodes is especially difficult to remove.
    The medial aspect of the breast is drained by intercostal vessels into parasternal nodes.  Parasternal and paratrachial drainages combine to form the bronchomediastinal lymph trunks.  Drainage continues into the right lymphatic duct on the right and the thoracic duct on the left.
    The breast is also drained by subcutaneous vessels.  These vessels have a wide distribution ranging from the cervical region to the inguinal region and crossing the midline.  If the deeper lymph channels are blocked, as may be the case with cancer, subcutaneous drainage may greatly increase and widely disperse cancerous cells.

6.  Briefly describe the inferior limits of the parietal and visceral pleura. (3 pts)

  1. Inferior limits of visceral pleura
  2. Inferior limits of parietal pleura

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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice
The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

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